A long time ago, in an alternate galaxy far, far away...

The year is 32 BBY, the Clone Wars are raging on, but the end of the conflict is in sight after many years. You, your padawan Genevieve, your Jedi friend Tin-Kaarek and his padawan Luma are currently in the command room aboard a Republic command ship, coordinating the attack on the planet below, while the fleet tries to break the Separatist blockade.

Soon, a word from General Kenobi comes in. General Grievous has been defeated! This will give a much-needed boost to your clone troops.

You lift your wrist and speak into your communicator, contacting Commander Ziggs.

You:"Commander Ziggs! General Grievous has been destroyed! This might very well be one of the last battles. We are sending you more gunships, stand by until they arrive, and then push straight to the enemy sector ahead, that will cripple their advance!" Ziggs:"I read you loud and clear, General! Men, wait for the air support! We are going to blow those clunkers all the way back to Geonosis!"

The gunships arrive, and your clone troopers push onward, slowly driving the droid army back.

As you look at the holo map and command the clones, a big explosion can be heard from the hangar bay, and your padawan comes bursting into the command room.

Genevieve:"Master! The droids broke into the hangar bay! We have to do something before they wreck the ship from the inside!"

You tell commander Ziggs to keep pressing on, and then rush to the hangar bay with your padawan.

You ignite your blue lightsabre as she ignites her green one, and you start to deflect laser bolts and cut down the droids while the clones lay suppressing fire. Soon, Tin-Kaarek and Luma join you.

Tin-Kaarek:"We will take the left flank and stop them from entering the cargo bay! You and Genevieve hold the entrance to the command room! Come, Luma, time to dice some clunkers!"

You nod, signaling your padawan to hold the ground and repel the droids as they advance.

As you fight on, you notice that the clones have stopped shooting at the droids. You turn back and see the ship commander, talking to a hologram.

The clone:"It will be done, my lord."

You turn to ask the clone what is going on, but before you can utter a word, they begin to fire at you, aiming to kill. You deflect their bolts and warn other Jedi of what is going on.

Y:"Gen, behind you! The clones! Tin, the clones, they have turned against us! TIN!" Genevieve manages to turn around and deflect a few bolts right back at the clones, killing them on the spot...

...but Tin-Kaarek finds himself in the droid and clone crossfire. While he tries to fight off the droids, he force pushes his padawan out of harm's way, exposing himself as the clones shoot at him mercilessly.

He gasps and drops his lightsabre to the ground, and shortly, his lifeless body drops right next to it.

Luma pulls his lightsabre to her and deflects a few blaster bolts, but quickly begins to stumble and panic, slowly getting overwhelmed, losing her footwork. L:"Go! Take Gen and go already, I-I will keep them back! GO!!" You try to rush in to help her, but she force pushes you back and charges at the clones. Y:"LUMA, NO!"

It is too late, as the heavy blaster fire quickly breaks her guard, and five deadly bolts pierce her body, killing her instantly.

You deflect dozens of blaster bolts as your padawan Gen jumps into the starfighter and ignites the engines. G:"Master, over here!" You follow her and jump into the cockpit, quickly flying out of the hangar and avoiding the cruiser turrets before jumping to hyperspace as soon as you can.

G:"W-what was that..." Y:"I don't know. I've never seen clones behave like that. Turn on the comms, maybe we can contact other Jedi..."

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