Final Fantasy: Time Twister - Niflheim Rift - Aranea Highwind

[Mission Objective: Escape capture by Aranea's forces.]

[You enter the rift and are greeted by a Niflheim Commodore and her garrison of troops.]

Aranea: "Ah, you've arrived. Kneel, for you are before Aranea Highwind, chief commodore of the Niflheim Empire. We have taken control of this rift so you need not worry about sealing it. I cannot permit you to just leave however. It's been so long since I've had some fun."

Aerith: "We're trapped. She's sealed the rift behind us, we can't escape now unless she let's us go. You better do what she says, just, make sure you don't blow that cock." [The ARANEA'S WILL MODIFIER is active in this rift. In some scenes, the Niflheim Empire will force all difficulties to have the same timer. Niflheim Advisor might be harder than protector for instance. No-one can escape Niflheim's grasp.]

[Aranea's Will: Niflheim Guardian activates. All difficulties are set to guardian difficulty timings for this scene.]

Aranea: "We get no shore leave serving the glorious Niflheim Empire. It's been too long since I rode a fat cock. Don't worry, your pretty little friend there can watch."

Niflheim Advisor: 40 seconds

Niflheim Guardian: 40 seconds

Niflheim Protector: 40 seconds

[Aerith is held in place by Aranea's guards and made to watch as Aranea takes advantage of you.]

Aranea: "Don't look so pissed, don't tell me you've come all this way and not ridden this dick once? It's soooo fucking good. He's filling me up so much and riding him like this lets him get alllll the way in. You should wipe that frown off your face and try it sometime."

Planet Advisor: 35 seconds

Planet Guardian: 45 seconds

Planet Protector: 60 seconds

[Aranea climbs off your cock and lies back, making sure her legs are up and out of the way.]

Aranea: "Is that concern I sense for your big mission Aerith dear? Or perhaps it's...jealousy."

[Aerith blushes bright red and tries to look away but the guards keep her head fixed on the scene unfolding.]

Aranea: "I thought as much. Life is too short, especially one such as yours, you should take advantage while you can. Just think how good it would feel to have your rift hero pump you full of cum."

Planet Advisor: 25 seconds

Planet Guardian: 35 seconds

Planet Protector: 45 seconds

[Aranea's Will: Protector activates. All timings are set to Protector difficulty for this scene.]

[Aerith tries to break free from the guards grasp and yells over to you.]

Aerith: "She's trying to make you cum by increasing how hard it is for you to hang on. Don't give in to it. Please! You mustn't, we've come so far!"

Niflheim Advisor: 50 seconds

Niflheim Guardian: 50 seconds

Niflheim Protector: 50 seconds

Aranea: "You don't need to listen to her. Just lie back, close your eyes and let me ride that cock like there's no tomorrow. Which, there won't be if you cum. But just think how fucking good it will feel, right??"

Planet Advisor: 30 seconds

Planet Guardian: 40 seconds

Planet Protector: 50 seconds

[Aranea bends over in front of you and moans softly. She wiggles her ass back until it's touching your cock and then proceeds to rub up against you.]

Aranea: "Well, what are you waiting for? Put that thing in me. If you don't, you and your pretty friend Aerith won't be leaving here. Give me what I want."

Planet Advisor: 40 seconds

Planet Guardian: 55 seconds

Planet Protector: 70 seconds

[Aranea's Will: Protector activates. All timings are set to Protector difficulty for this scene.]

Aranea: "What? You didn't think I'd go easy on you just to change things up did you? It will be a miracle if you make it out of this rift."

[Aerith breaks free from the guards momentarily and casts White Magic: Slowga. Aranea's Will: Protector is removed. Aranea's Will: Advisor activates.]

Aranea: "What are you people doing?! Secure that bitch!"

Niflheim Advisor: 20 seconds

Niflheim Guardian: 20 seconds

Niflheim Protector: 20 seconds

[Aranea's hold on you is temporarily broken thanks to Aerith's Intervention. She climbs off your cock and falls to her knees, instead opting to slow suck on your tip. Aerith nods to you and smiles as she is held back by the guards.]

Aranea: "...."

Planet Advisor: 15 seconds

Planet Guardian: 25 seconds

Planet Protector: 35 seconds

[Regaining power, Aranea lazily climbs back onto your cock and compels you to fuck. You are able to resist her somewhat still and manage to keep your thrust relatively slow, buying yourself some time.]

Aranea: "You might have bought yourself a brief respite, but I will still have that cum. No-one defies the Niflheim Empire."

Planet Advisor: 25 seconds

Planet Guardian: 35 seconds

Planet Protector: 45 seconds

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