Hey I'm Brooke I've got you for today

Come on then lets see it strip naked

WHAT! What the fuck was Anna thinking she said you were big, well this ruins my plans although...it does open up some overs.

For this you'll need Makeup Panties One clean, One dirty Heels A "Toy" Vibrator Rope

Okay sissy put on your clean panties and bra and then put on your heels

Now get yourself dolled up sissy with your makeup like me

Come on like me i want to see you show off your slutty body {Dance around for 1 minute like the the slut you are}

Right sissy you've had your fun now it's time to do some bondage

(She hog ties you)

Right Sissy now that you're tied i'm going to take off my panties now normally that would mean you'll get to fuck me but seeing as your small sissy bitch these are goin in your mouth { Stuff the dirty panties in your mouth }

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