The day has come to finally face Brie Bella one on one. You’re still nursing an injured leg from the beat down Nikki and Brie gave you last week after your match in the locker room. But you’re no coward, you’re undefeated in the WWE and you’re going to keep it that way. You just don’t know how yet.

Regardless, you make your way to the sold out stadium and start to change into your gear in the locker room, keeping an eye out for the Bella’s.

You collect yourself and get ready to walk to the ring.

Announcer: “Coming to the ring first, the STILL undefeated rookie at 5-0, [YOUR NAME]!!!!”

You jog to the ring hyping up the crowd, trying to hide your limp. You slide under the ropes and get in your corner, waiting for Brie.

Brie’s music blares over the speakers as she walks out first.

Announcer: “Introducing next, a decorated diva’s division wrestler, accompanied by her sister Nikki, BRIE BELLA!!”

She does her sexy dance right before Nikki walks out.

Nikki walks out and does the same dance next to Brie. When she stops shaking her ass, she gives Brie a kiss on the cheek.

Brie starts to walk to the ring while Nikki cheers her on from behind.

They do their synchronized entrance before Nikki exits the ring and Brie gestures to the crowd.

Brie walks over to your corner and shoves you aside before climbing up and blowing a kiss out to the crowd. She gets down and glares at you as she walks back to her corner.

The bell rings and you two walk to the center. Brie, who stands a little bit taller than you is glaring daggers into your eyes. You try to stand strong but end up being the one who broke eye contact. Once the stare down is over, you begin.

You and Brie lock up in the center, neither one of you budging an inch.

Brie: “I’m going to humiliate you in front of everyone bitch. You’re going to regret ever messing with us.”

You: “I’d like to see you-“

Before you could finish, Brie slides you into a standing headlock.

She has your neck in a tight hold. You try to throw some punches into her stomach but she tanks them as she wrenches your neck down even further.

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