While working at home on your laptop, you notice your phone buzz and light up. It’s an email. You nonchalantly unlock your phone and open it. To your surprise, it is from a high-end sperm bank where you donated your seed a few years back. The e-mail reads:

“Dear mister [Your Name], Your donated seed has been chosen by a potential receiver as a perfect candidate for fertilization. Before our client’s decision is final, she would like to meet you, as you will be the biological father of her offspring. Therefore, we invite you to a meeting with her tomorrow, at our clinic at 2 o’clock. We look forward to the appointment. Thank you!”

You are a little bit surprised, but it is a common practice that a woman would like to meet a potential father of her child before she decides to be fertilized. As the next day rolls over, you get dressed and make your way to the clinic. The nurse greets you warmly.

Nurse: “Hello sir. Here for your appointment with Miss Botez?” You: “Um, hi. I suppose…the name was not given in the e-mail.” N: “Of course not. We like to keep our clients anonymous until the meeting. But now you can know. Your seed has been chosen by Miss Alexandra Botez.” Y: “The famous chess player?” N: “Yes, sir. Don’t let that worry you, she is quite pleasant. Oh, there she comes…over here, Miss Botez!”

Alexandra walks in, and you look at her feminine figure, slim waist, and curvy hips. Her cute and pretty face is adorned with a warm smile. Alexandra: “Hello! I’m Alexandra, pleased to meet you.” Y: “Hi, the pleasure is all mine. I am [YN].” N: “very good. Now, you two can go to meeting room 5, where you can get to know each other a bit better. This will help Miss Botez to decide…” The nurse is interrupted as the door of the clinic swing open, and young, stunning woman catwalks in.

Andrea: “Hi! Sorry I’m late!” Alexandra: “Andrea!? What the hell are you doing here?” An: “I’m here for my appointment! With this guy that you are talking to!” You, Alexandra, and the nurse: “What!?” An: What…?”

N: “Um…this must be a mix-up…what is your name, miss?” An: “Andrea.” N: “And you are…?” Al: “Alexandra…” N: “Last names?” Al&An: “Botez.” N: “S-so you are…sisters. Oh, I’m so sorry…this was a mistake on our side…we booked you both at the same time. I guess because of your last name, our software…”

Al: “Now what? And why do you even want to get fertilization, you little Gremlin!?” An: “Because I can’t find a boyfriend, and I want to have a child before you do! And you?” Al: “Well…same…I didn’t want our genes to die out…we have talent.” An: “True…and since our parents prefer you, I wanted to get ahead and give them the grandchild first…” Al: “You little sh-“ N: “Please, I am sure we can sort this out…” Al&An: “He is mine!” N: “I…how about all three of you go to meeting room 5 and…talk it out?” Y: “Fine with me…”

All three of you, escorted by the nurse, get to meeting room 5, and she closes the doors behind you. The Botez sisters keep arguing among themselves about who should get your seed until things really escalate. Al: “You know what, you little brat!? I will take his seed! And I will do it myself, here and now!”

An: “You are insane! He will never choose you!” Al: ”You! I swear to God, you will impregnate one of us today, and you will have to choose before I rip my sister’s head off!” An: “Alex, you need to chill…” An: “Shut up! You did this, this is your fault! So…which one of us would you like to breed, [YN]?” Y: “I…I don’t know, I like you both…” An: “Oh? Then we will have to make you choose!”

Andrea walks over to you and pushes you down onto the desk, putting her hand on your crotch and begging to rub it, making you quickly get hard. Alex exhales angrily and walks over, running her hand all over your body, before kissing you deeply. Al: “You like this, handsome?” An: “I think he likes me more…” Al: ”Shut it!” (Rub yourself and touch your body until you are rock hard)

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