Notes before you start: -This is my first (and probably only) JOIP. -I’m deciding to take a slightly different take to most JOIPs I’ve seen so if you want to do something different by all means go for it. -Take the instructions as a suggestion and have fun with it. -You want to start clothed for the best experience and might need a couple hours :) -if an instruction follows another do it the same way unless told otherwise: for example if the last post tells you to jerk with your off-hand the next one would also be with you off-hand unless you are told to change. -You don’t need anything for this JOIP but if you want to use lube or anything else go for it. Challenge yourself! -Instructions will be between stars “*” -Enjoy!

As quarantine started last March, you were bored at home and decided to watch something on Twitch. On the front page of Twitch you find a very attractive female streamer, Pokimane. You didn’t think much of it at first but soon enough you got addicted. You would tune in to every stream.

One day you see a post by Poki saying that she has put a donation limit on her stream. You saw this as an opportunity to get her attention. Now people would not donate as much, and you found a loophole. Gifted subs had no limit on them so you decided to gift Poki 100 subs.

However your timing could not have been any worse. As soon as your donation goes through she leaves her seat. You look over at the chat and see a mix of POGGERS and PepeLaughs. Devastated you close the stream and go to sleep

You just got Dono-walled

The next day you decide to go get some boba, you heard of this place from one of Pokimane’s streams so you decide to walk there.

You walk over to the line and you can’t believe your eyes. Pokimane is standing ahead of you. You decide to approach her for a picture.

You: h..hey Pokimane

Pokimane: Hi!

You: Sorry to bother you but I’m a big fan of your streams and was wondering if we can get a quick picture.

Pokimane: Of course! I love meeting fans!


Pokimane: So, what’s your name?

You: I’m Your name

Pokimane: Nice to meet you!

You: Yeah you too! Hey I was wondering of you aren’t busy are you down to sit and chat for a little?

Pokimane: Sure! I’m down! I was going to sit on my own anyway so why not have some company.

You sit with across Poki and start to feel tightness in you pants

Get Hard in your pants but by only teasing from the outside

You: I really liked the idea with the donation cap how did you think of that?

Pokimane: Honestly I was tired of people saying that they will sell their house and donate thousands to me. I want people to take care of themselves and not take care of me. Although I might need to disable gift subs. Someone gifted 100 subs and I Dono-walled them. It made realize that people can still donate thousands.

You: Oh.. This is a little embarrassing. I gifted those subs and um.. you missed it

Pokimane: Oh my god! That was you? What a coincidence.

You: Yeah it’s a little awkward now.

Pokimane: Hey thank you, let me make it up to you.

She slides over to you

Pokimane: Don’t think I didn’t notice your bulge ;) Don’t worry if I was in your place I would do the same

She reaches down your pants before you can reply to that comment.

With your non-dominant arm reach down your pants and slowly tease yourself for 30 seconds

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