Everything around you is dark, and you feel like you are falling into a bottomless pit. As you keep falling, the searing pain in your head slowly subsides, until it disappears fully, and you drift into a dreamless sleep. Eventually, after what feels like an eternity, you do have a dream.

It is a brief dream of Elanor, turning to you and smiling next to a campfire. Suddenly, you remember what has happened and violently jerk from your sleep, waking up, disoriented and confused.

To your surprise, you are not lying on a cold, broken castle floor in the dark, but on a soft bed with a silk pillow, next to scented candles and magical herbs. You feel a sense of calm and safety wash over you like a wave. This is a place of magic. As your eyes adjust to the light, you see a figure in front of you coming into focus.

Your eyes set on a beautiful purple-skinned creature that you have never seen before - a night elf. She looks at you caringly, and you can sense that she is very powerful. For some reason, you sense that you can trust her. You:"W-where am I? Whoa re y-you?" Valora:" My neme is Valora, I am the mage of Soldon Woods. You are at my abode, just on the other side of the Ghastloom Forest. I hope you are feeling well." Y:"I...I am, thank you...how did I get here?" V:"Do you remember the two young elves you saved? They brought you to me." Y:"Oh...Perun blesses their hearts...I had a terrible nightmare, about the dragon..."

V:"It was not a nightmare, I'm afraid. You did wake up the dragon. His name is Voldokor, and he is a three-headed demon prince. His powerful roars burst your eardrums, making you faint. That's why the elves brought you to me, and I heald you with my magic." Y:"Wait, wait, wait...hold up...a...a demon p-prince!? Is he a dragon or a demon prince!?" V:"He is a demon prince, who walks this earth in a shape of a dragon..." Y:"You have got to be kidding me...he got my friend!" V:"Then, he will eat her to consume her soul on the first full moon. That is how they feed in our world." Y:"No! I will not let that happen! I Have to save her! You...can you help me? I sense your power, you...you are a purple mage, are you not?" Valora smiles slightly and gets up, walking to the other side of the room in silence and stopping in front of a bookshelf, pointing to an odd-looking book.

V:"Yes, I am. And this is one of my most valuable possessions. It is Codex ad Versus Draconis. A magical book that holds secrets, information's on how to defeat almost all breeds of dragons." Y:"Okay, great! So, how do we kill him?" V:"Sloe down. First of all, there is no us. If you decide to do this, it will be you against him. Second...well, I don't know how to kill him. The book can only be read by those who looked into the dragon's eyes. I, like most people, never did..." You spring to your feet and grab the book from the shelf. The dragon's eye on the cover glows subtly.

You open the book, and the shapes and symbols you have never seen before are making perfect sense to you. You read quickly, unnaturally quickly in fact, and the information just sticks to your brain effortlessly. In a few minutes, you already know the weaknesses of five different dragon breeds. Valora interrupts you. V:"I will let you keep the book, I have no use of it, and your intentions with it are pure. You are a good mage, pure of heart, fearing of corruption, opposed to evil and darkness...I can sense it." Y:"I...thank you, I guess I am, yeah." V:"Close the book for now. There is another matter of importance." Y:"What is it?"

V:"With the book, you will have the knowledge to defeat the dragon...but you will not have enough power to pull it off. No offense, but you are just a red mage." Y:"Gods be damned...so what do I do, then? It will take months, maybe years for my powers to grow again!" Valora looks at you and lays back on the bed, slowly sliding her finger up her long, slender leg, smiling at you with a glow in her eye. Y:"W-what are you doing? I have no time for...o-oh..." V:"Mhm. What if I make you purple, right here, right now. I can give you a piece of my own power, and confirm you at the same time. We just need to...connect, no?" Y:"If we are both willing and of pure intention, then, um...yes..." V:"I have already lit the candles and brought out the herbs needed for the ritual while you slept. Let's do it!"

You get on the bed with her, and she scoots closer to you, putting her hand on your shoulder and pulling you in for a kiss. Her lips are electric, and her body is potent with power. Kissing her makes you hard in just a few seconds, and so you kiss her deeper, running your hand across her fit belly as she holds you behind the head, pulling you closer as you make out. (Get hard and rub your cock over your clothes for 35 seconds)

You keep kissing her passionately, and she moans lightly on your lips as you slide her blouse off of her shoulder. She puts her hand on your crotch and begins to rub your hard bugle, breathing heavier as you kiss her neck and shoulder. V:"D-damn, you're so h-hard...mmm...keep kissing m-me." (Rub it for 30 more seconds)

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