It has been about a week since you told Iris everything you got out of the general Azra, who still dwells in the dungeons.

You and Iris have agreed that the firs course of action will be rescuing the princess as her presence will rally many more man to your cause, so you dispatched a few spies to check the Tulbuk Castle and see how to approach it. They returned yesterday, and you are now on your way to see Iris about the plan.

You find her near the river, as she paces up and down the dock.

Y:" do we go about this." I:"You are up. Good. Well, our spies report that Tulbuk Castle is very well secured, but it seems to be approachable by the lake." Y:"The lake? We don't have a fleet to storm the castle by the lake!" I:"No, we do not...but we do have a ship!" Y:"A ship? You mean that one ship wit the most obnoxious bright red sail? They will see us from the mile away!" I:"Yes, I mean that one, and no, they won't see you, because it will be dead of night." Y:"Come again?"

I:"Well, we have no means to strom the castle like that, as you you will take the ship and a few man, quietly approach the castle by water, sneak in, rescue the princess and bring here here." Y:"Hmm. That could actually work. The men will stay by the ship and I will do the sneaking. If I'm caught, they can help me fight my way out." I:"Exactly. Try to not get caught tho. Pick your men, you sail at dusk."

You spend the rest of your day with Iris, and before the sun starts to set, you really your men and prepare the ship.

You set sail, enjoying the fresh air as your ship cuts the waves, listening to the planks and knots squeaking as the wind takes you down the river and into the lake.

The sun slowly sets, and a faint light from the castle marks your landing location.

Before long, the ship slowly rolls onto the small beach as the Tulbuk castle rises in front of you. You tell your warriors to wait by the ship while you go and look for the princess.

You walk up to the castle walkway, hiding behind the stone wall as a few imperial guards stroll by. You look after them to see which way they will go, so you don't run into them again.

As they turn around the corner, you see about a dozen more guards around the main entrance and on the walls. You cast an invisibility spell which lasts for a few minutes, and quickly bolt for the castle entrance.

You fly up the stairs into the narrow, dark corridor. A few guards pass in front of you just before your invisibility charm runs out. You where lucky.

You try to orient yourself, but in vane. The castle is like a maze to you, and you have no clue which way the princess might be.

Reluctantly, you cast clairvoyance spell, spending even more of your magical potency. At this rate, you will have to relate on your sword alone if it comes to fighting.

The bright blue smokey ball appears as you whisper the words, showing you the way to the princesses chamber.

The corridor becomes so dark that you have to cast yet another spell to illuminate your way. You whisper the words and blow in your hand. Quickly, a bright ball of light appears in your hand.

The ball of clairvoyance stops in front of a certain doors, glows bright thrice and than vanishes. This most be the room. You extinguish your lighting spell, and press your ear against the wall.

You can hear something, but it is uncertain what it is. It does not seem like there is more than one person inside. You than bend over and peak through the keyhole, but nothing of any importance can be seen.

With no more options, you put two fingers on the lock, whisper a few magical words, and the door unlocks. Slowly and quietly as possible, you sidestep inside and close the doors behind you.

You check the right corner and see nothing. You move your gaze to the other side of the room, and almost gasp in surprise.

Princess:"Mhm...mhm...fuck yes...right...there..."

Completely oblivious to your presence, the princess passionately rubs her pussy while moaning softly. Her voice is melodic, but very sexy and sensual. You diced to wait and see what happens. You don't want to scare her, after all.

P:"Ohh...fuck moans I'm so moans wet...fuck!"

Wet sounds of her pussy and her moaning turn you on, and you start to rub yourself through your trousers. (Get hard and run your cock for 20 seconds)

The princess picks up the pace, rubbing her pussy faster, moaning with more passion and burying her finger deep inside her pussy. (30 more rubs)

P:" moans gods I miss cocks moans..."

You slide your hand down your trousers and start to slowly jerk off. (20 slow strokes)

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