Hey! Great to see you. I know that you fantasize about me a lot, probably thinking of having sex with me, taking control of me..... Pretty sure you watch me dance and you jerk off to me!

Now get Naked! now now, don't get excited thinking your fantasy is coming to be true..... Get these items, I know you might already be having them with you: -A pair of sexy panties and bra -Some girly clothes (If you don't have, purchase them or borrow from a girl) -A lube (you are gonna need it, hehe) -A big size dildo -makeup -Marker -Camera

You thought I wouldn't know how much you love becoming a girl? I have sources everywhere bitch. From now on, you will address me as Princess. Say loud 'Yes Princess Anna' I even know you want to have a body as sexy as mine Unfortunately, you can't , as there is only one person with such an amazing body, your Princess.

Put these bra and panties on, and find some slutty girl clothes on! When you get home throw away all of your men’s underwear, you don’t need those. Those are for people with cocks. Panties are for girls with clits, like you!

Watch this video and do your makeup with me! (make sure to put some nail polish on your nails) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AQJaPBpdiNg

You better be hard. If not then Slap your balls 10 times. You have such a small dick that even my smallest dildo is bigger than you!! Now take a marker and write Anna on your cock, on your buttocks, and the bottom of your foot. Are you even able to write my name on such a small cock?

Now that your all dressed up, written on, and got your makeup done. Take some photos of yourself in the bathroom and realize that you are way more beautiful when your a slut

Now I want you to rate my ass on a scale of 1-10 and say it outloud

If you said 1-3 hit your balls 50 times you dick! If you said 3-5 hit your balls 20 times If you said 5-7 edge! if you said 7-9 hit your balls 30 times for being a suck up, thank you though! If you said 10 ruin your orgasm and leave, don’t lie to me:(

We will now start! Take that dildo and suck on the tip, imagine it’s a dick

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