The defining feature of Backrooms Level =( is its vast expanse of school-related spaces. Endless hallways stretch out in every direction, leading explorers deeper into the heart of the school maze. These hallways are lined with lockers, bulletin boards, and faded posters, creating an eerie semblance of normalcy amid the otherworldly environment. The endless hallways can occasionally be broken up by a cafeteria, gym, computer lab, or other school related things like bathrooms.

The atmosphere of flickering half broken lights, the blue tint of light in the air, and the occasional sound of kids laughing, whispering, or lockers shutting can keep any wonderer on there toes, even if this level isn’t directly dangerous.

This levels entity, “Partypooers" are the opposite of the level Fun's entities, partygoers, who are inhuman. These floors, instead, are almost indistinguishable from humans, even wearing human clothes, which are almost always baggy and dark in nature, such as dark-colored sweatpants/shirts, and their signature blue =( mask, which is unremovable. They are often seen in groups of 2-3, up to 7-9 at a time, rarely more or less. While one of the only armed entities, they aren't directly hostile towards humans, usually more hostile towards other entities.

While most believe they are actually humans, the rare sighting of them under there clothes of there blue translucent skin has caused some to believe they are actually ghost, or some type of slime mimic.

If your interested ill leave some more information here about the floor. The rooms are mostly empty, looking like how any school would look if the students just suddenly got up and left. The desks have scattered pencils, notebooks, and occasionally backpacks. The whole level seems to have a faint blue tint to it, almost as if the lights themselves were blue LED's. The level has a vast variety of rooms that can be found, anything you would see in a real world school, ranging from special classrooms like robotics, weight rooms, to culinary or even rarely, a front office. The Front Office is said to be the way of escape, being the only took to hold the principles key, which can be used on any specialty door (gym, cafeteria, etc), to transform it into a exit door. These are also known to be hot spots for Partypoopers, but they usually don’t care for the key.

PartyPoopers are some of the only entity’s that are actually armed, coming equipped with any range of small to medium weapons, ranging from knifes to crowbars, to small firearms.

Alternatively, another rarer entity can be found only in the darkest corners of this floor, the Gossip Beacon. These tall rectangular night lights themselves arent harmful or active unless it is in the dark, and powered. Once turned on, it cast shadows on the walls, which lets it take a physical form, the shadows manifesting into shadow entities, up to 3-5 of them, which are able to physically touch and harm survivors.

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