A Backroom's Encyclopedia Of Items; A Beginner's Guide

Almond Water, multiple levels Almond water is the backbone of the backrooms and as such one of the most common items seen across all levels. The water seeming to support all life, known to relieve both hunger and thirst and even the need for sleep, meaning survivors only need to drink this, instead of having to worry about balanced meals. Almond water is not found on every level, but it is found on a wide multitude of them, more so than not. The backrooms itself seems to slow down the body's needs for both substance and sleep, meaning even without almond water, a survivor can easily go for a month or longer without any type of food or water, as well as sleep, although some survivors tend to still like to sleep anyways on safe levels. On rare occasions almond water can be known to have weird properties, acting almost as an antidote, so if you ever come across a problem and have some spare, just try pouring some almond water on it! It has been known to help slow, and reverse some infections, numb the effects of liquid pain, and fight hallucinogenics on certain levels.

Liquid pain, multiple levels Liquid pain is exactly what its name states, pain in the most condensed, physical form. The red liquid can be found on multiple levels, either on the floor as a puddle, inside a variety of containers, or dripping down broken pipes. It is advised to avoid it at all costs, as any skin contact will result in immediate lighting up of any neurons close by to the point of contact, causing in some cases, the entire limb nerves to light up like a Christmas tree. The liquid doesn't seem to directly cause any actual physical harm, although the mental strain from the effects can be harsh, the intense pain lasting anywhere from a few minutes, to several hours or even days, depending on how much liquid was exposed, say for an example a drop, verse tripping and your entire leg falling into a pool of it.

Liquid pleasure/lust, source level 388 Liquid pleasure can be found on rare occasions on multiple floors, as it can even be a popular trading item, although the only known production, and origin of it, comes from level 338 where it is most abundant. Liquid pleasure seems to be a type of venom produced from the PartyGoers of Level fun, leaking out of small spines on the Goers [Redacted]. The liquid seems to be the exact opposite of its counterpart, liquid pain. Being absorbed by the skin or inside the body the same way, the effects are slower to manifest but still happen insanely fast, taking effect oftentimes in under 30 seconds. Depending on the location, and amount, it can have multiple effects, from relieving pain to making food taste better if applied on the tongue, or to multiplying any other feeling one would associate with pleasure if applied to the area, or if ingested, applied to the entire body.

Principle's key/Managers key, levels 52 and 1612 The key is a rare item that is only found on select levels, while each level's key varies slightly, they will all be a simple silver household key. Almost every level has multiple ways into, and out of them, but in any level with a key the key seems to be the easiest and most straightforward way out, as well as the most reliable. Keys hold no purpose other than to open their level door, and will never fit any other lock, even if the lock is made to match the key, they will not fit. A little known secret how ever, is if you do hold onto the key and ever find a door that does accept the key, you can use it to open a door back up to that level, if you ever decide that you wish too.

Hello Kitty Flip Phone, multiple levels While not limited to a flip phone, the phone seems to be the most common item to be found. Any type of Hello Kitty merchandise can be found on seemingly any level, although there have only been reports on certain ones, it is currently unknown if these are naturally spawning, or brought into the backrooms. The phone does work, having a flashlight on the back, and even able to connect to wifi on certain floors, although the battery usually ranges from 15-65% when found.

Party hat, level 69 The party hat seems to hold no significance, and on its own isn't special in any way. Its only value seems to be on level 69, where it can "disguise" the survivor from that level's entity. Party hats from other levels seem to not have the same effect, thus this level's hats are deemed their own item.

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