It is a fresh, sunny morning in Ravaryn, and soft clouds roll over the city keep, where the king, the queen, and the princess live, with the rest of the royal family. The sun gently caresses the strong walls of the castle, painting them gold as cold river streams under the towers. Roosters cry out, waking up the working people of the city. On the walls, the morning shift takes watch, keeping the castle safe.

Far away from royalty, working people, and guards, in a humble street near the outer walls of the city, amongst commoner's hoses and shops, stands an old house, made out of stone and wood. It is your house, where you and Elanor live, when you are not out, adventuring. Inside, you sleep, prostrated on a bed, softly breathing and rolling under a fur blanket. Suddenly, your breath quickens, and sweat covers your forehead.

The morning might be idyllic, but your dreams are not. You dream of dark figures, horned creatures, occult rituals, black forests, and demons. Your head echoes with demonic laughter and all manner of horrific, unnatural sounds. You feel cold and threatened, but are unable to wake up.

The more you dream, the more terrifying and bizarre your dreams get. Now you dream of a demon king and his minions. They are sacrificing a girl under a full moon. Banging, laughing, creaking, and screaming are heard as they conduct their dark ritual, and you are unable to help the girl. The demon king, with his ram's eyes, looks at you, and your blood freezes in your veins.

Elanor:"Pssst! Hey! Wake up! Wake up, Viper, come on!" Elanor's voice guides you out of the dream world, and you awake. You:"Svarog's head...ugh...I never get any sleep anymore..." E:"One of those dreams again?" Y:"See, I'm not sure that they are just dreams anymore, El. I feel like I'm actually in the abyss, with the demons..." E:"Damn. Well, you have been exposed to cultists, vampires, and demons a lot recently. Not to mention that you were in the abyss for a bit, with Mara. I have head nightmares too, and I'm not even a mage. It must have affected you somehow." Y:"My magical essence is corrupt, I think." E:"That sounds serious. Look, we have the money now. Why don't you let me take you to the Temple of Sacred Light for a cleansing? They will purify you, and you will be as good as new!" Y:"I don't know...isn't the treatment for mana purification, like, 500 gold?" E:"So? You can't keep on like this..."

Elanor convinces you, and the two of you make your way out of the town, and to the Hakarian plains, where the temple is located. It is a picturesque sight, an ancient monastery on the cliff at the edge of a plain. You knock on the huge doors, and an old man in a robe opens. He seems to be blind but leads you into the temple.

You walk in, and he tells you to wait inside a large stone corridor with elaborate vaults. After a few minutes, another old man greets you and leads you into a room.

Elanor and you sit and wait for a bit, and then the third man in a robe walks in. You explain to him why you are here, and Elanor gives him 500 gold pieces for your treatment. The man bows to her, and tells you to follow him. E:"I will wait for you here. Listen to the holy healers, and make sure to get better, okay?" Y:"Yeah. Thanks, El." The man guides you down the corridor, and shows you into a big, stone room, with an open ceiling. The room is nice, and the sun warms your face.

Quickly, a woman walks inside, carrying a jug of holy water. First, you notice her short hair, an uncommon appearance for a woman. Then, your eyes set on the curious tattoos on her face. After that, you notice that her robe is transparent, and you can see her breasts and nipples pretty clearly. Looking back at her face, you notice that she is quite a beauty. ?:"Hello, sir mage, and welcome to our temple. I am Priestess Dar'lion, one of the holy healers. I understand that your magical essence has been tainted by a demonic presence, yes?" Her voice is soft, calm, and very beautiful. Y:"Y-yes, yes I believe so." Dar'lion:"Not to worry! I will perform a cleansing ritual. It might seem...unorthodox, but it will work, trust me. Now, sir, please lay on the bed in the center of the room. Oh, and you will have to get naked." Y:"Sorry?" D:"I said, you will have to be naked for the ritual. Please, undress and lay on the bed in the middle of the room." (Get naked)

You undress fully and lie on a soft bed. Lying down, you take a good look at the priestess as she prepares for the ritual. Through her transparent tunic, you can see literally everything - her big, full breasts, shapely waist, and well-kept bush. Her figure is extremely alluring, and you can't stop getting hard as you look at her. Her ass keeps bouncing, and her boobs keep swaying as she moves. You hide your erection from her with both hands. (Cover your penis and rub it against your belly for 35 seconds)

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