Few years pass since your duel with Vader and your knighting as a Sith Lord. Since that day, the Emperor has built the second Death Star...

...And many battles were fought to keep the peace and order, both in space...

...and on the ground of numerous planets. But now, the Empire stands stronger and bigger than ever, with you as the second most powerful man in the entire galaxy.

But, on one of the quiet days, you find yourself on Felucia. Since the locals have been reallocated to fill the working demands of a growing Empire, you mostly use this planet to train new Inquisitors and get them accommodated to harsh environments. Today, you train with your old friend, Inquisitor Talon.

You rush and leap through the jungle, exchanging lightsaber blows, and an occasional Force push, or a choke. Jumping from a huge plant, you both land in a clearing and quickly get at it, swinging at each other, blocking the strikes expertly.

Talon:"I...I remember when I trained you. You were as powerful as an Ewok. But...ah...look at you now!" You duck to evade her swing, and quickly dash at her. You:"Yeah, when I left you I was but a learner, and now I..." She hits you in the shin, but you manage to block her strike and disarm her.

T:"You were saying....?" Y:"Doesn't matter. You lost, even though you fought dirty." T:"Only a fool with a death wish fights clean and by the rules." Y:"You are probably right, I wouldn't be where I am now if..." Your commlink beeps before you finish a sentence. T:"Duty calls?" Y:"It seems. Shame, I wanted to see if your other abilities are still...on point." T:"Oh? well, maybe next time."

You answer your commlink and see your master, Sidious. Y:"What is thy bidding, my master?" S:"Darth Xenos! I have a new task for you. The Midichlorian-rich blood of Lucy Skywalker has managed to sustain me for so long...but now, it has run out. I seek a new donor, one of equal power, to keep me in this body. Leia is powerful, but she might be of more use alive...but there is another..." Y:"Yes, my lord?" S:"I have sensed a being that may rival me in power. A child. My sources report that it was last seen on the planet Nevarro, in the company of a dangerous Mandalorian. I trust that you can handle this...and bring the child...to me?" Y:"Of course, master. It will be done." S:"Good. I well send my new dark troopers to aid you. Go now, and do not fail me!"

You get in your ship and jump to Nevarro, an outer rim system known to cause trouble with the Empire.

You land and make your way to the local cantina, usually the best place to get any information. The bartender tells you, for a few credits, that the Mando and the child passed through the town, on their way south. You decide to quickly follow their trail before it goes cold.

You make your way to the desert, following the tracks of the Mandalorian, but quickly sense the strong Force presence. You follow it, and it grows stronger and stronger with every minute as you move closer to it.

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