The Infinite IKEA is a level that’s strikingly similar to IKEA, even having entity’s that act and resemble the stores employees. The level is full of different areas of furniture, from office, to bedroom, to bathrooms. The occasional back storage area or cafeteria breaking up the seemingly endless repeating rooms. One of the main differences wonderers notice from the real store, besides the seemingly unending level, is the ceiling high difference. The ceiling seeming to be no shorter then 5m in all areas including bathrooms and normal hallways.

The store is mostly empty, besides for the occasional "employee", who are neutral in nature. They work and walk around like a normal employee would, the only thing off there blank face, and mutated voice that can have a wide range of vocals. How ever once the store closes for night, closing and opening in six hour cycles, they will tell any wonderers they meet that they need to leave, the store is closed, and will become hostile.

A much rarer entity inside ikea is the mutated employee, believed to be made up of people killed by the employees. These are taller then the normal employees, there appearance obviously different, but still humanoid. These are the Ikea's hunters, the only real thing you have to be careful about while your inside, as they try to hunt for survivors and lead them to a similar fate they met.

The Hunters of this floor are much stronger then humans, being able to leap upwards of 5M, and use there hands to grip into concrete and other materials to be able to climb walls and ceilings. You are often alerted that they are close long before they find you though, as their signature screeches can travel up to around 300m away. While not specially intelligent creatures, there ability to see in the dark, and learn what human bases look like have made them an especially dangerous creature, even more then before.

Alternatively besides the rather docile employees, and the rarer hunters, this level also host a limited amount of Six Arms, appropriately named after there six arms.
The entity is mostly a black inky void, its only main distinct feature being its 6 arms. While looking hostile at first, the Six Arms isn't objectively hostile, being being drawn to stress, only attracted to stressed out survivors, able to sense them from far away, the more stressed out the further away. These are also one of the only entity's known to be able to go through walls, causing people to believe they aren't fully physical.

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