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Project: Bane In Ciudad Juárez, Wayne Enterprises has set up a branch of its subsidiary Cadmus Laboratories. This is partly to begin eradicating the city of its human filth and criminals, but that's mostly a secondary purpose. Primarily, women volunteer to enter Project: Bane, where they undergo testing of iterations of the chemical Methyloxycytotropin-5,8-Dihydrochloride, colloquially known as Venom. It alters the user's physiology, granting incredibly increased muscle mass, a more efficient vascular system, and so on. The volunteer becomes, effectively, a super solder, capable of withstanding incredible amounts of damage while delivering blows of equally incredible strength.

There's a not-inconsiderate risk of mental and emotional instability, at least that's the excuse given for why survivors of Project: Bane are only deployed in places that would give even a Bat pause. Most recently, they've been instrumental in bringing much of the Congo under the rule of the Court of Bats; they wear powerful armor and bring ridiculously large and powerful weapons, and to date, no warlord, militant leader, child trafficker, slaver, or elsewise has survived, and every single one of their strongholds, bases, encampments, compounds, and villages have been left smouldering ruins with the flayed and disgustingly-tortured bodies of the would-be leaders left strung up as a warning.

The survivors of Project: Bane are typically quite stable; the "quirks" of the Venom formula have been mostly worked out over the iterations. However, no Bat is dumb enough to want the walking tanks anywhere near their cities. So far, they seem perfectly loyal and even docile when they get frequent chances to let loose and kill while leaving swaths of destruction behind--but it would be all too easy for any to decide they want to rule instead of a Bat, and even one would be likely more than a match for the city's Bat--and there is never just one.

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