Fresh out of the shower after a morning workout, you get back to your locker and check your phone. You open up an Instagram notification and are surprised to see a DM from Gigi Dolin. You read her message and quickly write back.

Friday finally rolls around, and after packing your gear into your car, you head over to Gigi's place to pick her up. You get there and knock on her door, which swings open after a few seconds.

Gigi - "Hey! You made it! Right on time too! I'm still not quite ready, so come in for a few minutes."

You - "No worries. You look good by the way."

You close the door behind you and walk around Gigi's living room as she heads to her room.

Gigi - "This? All my clothes are dirty, this was like all I had."

You - "Well, you pull it off well."

Gigi - "Thanks. Just gotta grab a few more bikini's... I won't be long. Help yourself if you're thirsty or anything.

You - "I'm good, thanks though."

You sit down on the couch and fiddle around on your phone, before a cat jumps up on your lap and demands your attention, so you spend the next few minutes playing with Gigi's cat while you wait for her.

Gigi - "Alright... I think I've got everything, lets hit the road."

She joins you in the living room, and sees her cat on you and picks her up.

Gigi - "Get off of him! Sorry about that, now you're covered in fur..."

You - "Don't worry about it, ready to go?"

Gigi - "Yeah, lets go."

You pick up her bag and head out the door. As she locks up, you put her stuff in your trunk and open and close the passenger side door for her as she joins you.

You get into the car and start her up.

Gigi - "Aren't you just a gentleman..."

You - "You're welcome. Connect your phone to my car, then we can get going."

Gigi - "Nah I know where we're going, I'll get us there."

You - "If you say so..."

Gigi - "Trust me, I'm a great navigator. You forget, I spend most of my time on the road for my job."

You - "Fair point. Alright Gigi, tell me where to go."

Gigi - "Gigi... That's my wrestling name. Call me Priscilla. Hey! That reminds me... After all we've done together, I still don't know your name!"

You - "It's [your name}."

She reaches out to shake her hand.

Gigi - "Well it's nice to meet you, [your name]."

You - "Ha... Nice to meet you too Priscilla. Now then... Where are we going?"

Gigi - "Just get onto the 408 and we'll go from there."

You pull out of her driveway and start heading towards the beach with Gigi.

From now on, whenever you see this ["YN"], just read it as Gigi saying your first name

Around an hour later, you and Gigi arrive at your destination.

Gigi - "See? Told you I'd get us there."

You - "I never should have doubted you."

She giggles as you start unpacking your gear and heading down to the beach.

You - "Nice spot."

Gigi - "Yeah, and it's usually not super crowded either so we shouldn't be disturbed."

You - "Right, I forgot I'm hanging out with a celebrity right now."

Gigi - "Shut up. Set up your stuff and I'll find somewhere to change."

She heads off and you start getting ready while you wait for her to return.

After a few minutes of sitting on the beach, Gigi gets back to you in her two piece bikini which leaves little to the imagination. Not that you have to imagine what's underneath...

You - "Wow, you look incredible Gi- uh, Priscilla."

Gigi - "Thanks [YN]. So, like we planned?"

You - "Yeah, lets do this thing."

On your drive to the beach, the two of you meticulously planned out your shoot, wanting to get it wrapped up quickly, before the beach starts filling up with people. So you start on the sand, getting all your shots in before heading to the water.

You - "Alright, that's all the dry stuff right? Time to get in the water."

Gigi - "You just love getting me wet, don't you [YN]?"

You - "uhhhhh no comment..."

Gigi - "Well, lucky for you, I like when you get me wet."

Gigi winks at you as she gets into the water and starts posing for the camera, but also maybe for you, as her poses seem to be getting more and more seductive as you go on.

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