Final Fantasy: Time Twister - Tier 5 - Rift Dimension Outskirts

[You emerge out of the portal in a darkened realm. The sky is blanketed by constant thunderstorms and lightning lashes across your vision. Aerith is nowhere to be seen. Lost and alone in this foreign world, you stumble around for what seems like an eternity.]

[You decide to ask your party what they think. But, when you turn around, they are also nowhere to be seen. You start to lose your head somewhat, becoming more scared and frustrated at the prospect of being alone in this strange dimension.]

[You notice a well trodden path just in front of you and decide to follow it. Maybe Aerith and the others went this way?]

[You continue to follow the path and emerge in a clearing. You can't believe what you see. Every single member of your party, including sweet and innocent Vanille are totally naked and writhing around on the floor in the clearing.]

[Some of the girls are holding their heads and moaning, others are squealing in delight, legs spread apart as they hungrily rub themselves. Vanille sees your approach and tries to stop hersef from her masterbation frenzy but is unable to do anything.]

[You can only watch helplessly as your entire party, corrupted totally by the rift for setting foot in their dimension, finger fucks themselves over and over, wetting the ground and their bodies in their juices.]

[Rinoa, Kyrie, Vanille, Nayo, Lulu, Gentiana and Jihl leave the party.]

Mind-Broken Iris: "You can't save them now. I got off lightly compared to the lust that now consumes them. To find Aerith, your guiding light, you must seal defeat ALL THREE corrupted heroines in this dimension. Only then can you follow in her footsteps and enter the planet core."

[Mind-Broken Iris says no more. She rocks back and forth sat down in the clearing, trying not to look at the state of your former party members.]

Mission Objective: "Free Serah Farron from Corrupted Lightning's influences."

Enter Corrupted Rift of the Soldier:

Featured Heroine: Lightning Farron + Serah Farron

Appeared In: FF13

Rift Length: Moderate

Rift Difficulty: Moderate

Rift Modifiers: 1

Mission Objective: "Work with Lady Lunafreya to dispel the visions of madness placed before her."

Enter Corrupted Rift of the Oracle:

Featured Heroine: Lady Lunafreya

Appeared In: FFXV

Rift Length: Long

Rift Difficulty: Difficult

Rift Modifiers: 0

Mission Objective: "Cleanse Yuffie of corruption"

Enter Corrupted Rift of the Ninja:

Featured Heroine: Yuffie Kisaragi

Appeared In: FF7R

Rift Length: Medium

Rift Difficulty: Medium

Rift Modifiers: 2

Yuffie: "With all three corrupted rifts cleared, me, Lightning and Lunafreya can meld our powers together and force open a portal to the planet core. Within you will find the path to Aerith and who knows what else. This is your chance to save us all. Do it for your fallen party, do it for your world!"

Warp to Tier 6: Rift Dimension - Planet Core:

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