Medieval Adventures Episode 1 - Cure for the Queen

The year is 1274. You have been sent deep into the forest to collect healing herbs, roots, berries, and mushrooms. This is not an uncommon task for you, since you are a Royal Healer. Sure, in times of war you pick up a sword and shield to fight for Her Majesty, but most of the kingdom knows you as a healer.

Bad news has spread over the Kingdom. For the past few weeks, the Queen has been very sick. Even though she is not an old woman, some foul illness has befallen Her Majesty, and you are tasked with finding a cure. You have made many cures in your life, but you have never seen an illness just like this one.

As you bend over the old and mossy trunk to pick the purple mushrooms that prevent blood from thickening when healing someone with leeches, you hear footsteps behind your back, and they stop a few feet from you. You put your hand on your dagger and slowly turn around.

Guard: "Greetings m'lord, you have been summoned back to the castle by Her Majesty's orders."

You: "Are you sure she sent for me?"

G: "You a Royal Healer?"

Y: "Yes I am, but I haven't finished gathering all I need for the cure."

G: "Never mind that. Another healer has been tasked with producing the cure. Take your satchel and come with me, m'lord."

Y: "What? Who!?"

G: "Iris, m'lord."


G: "Please, m'lord come with me, you are still required at the castle."

Y: "Oh really? How is that? Does that little brat Iris need someone to show her how to boil a cauldron of water?"

G: "...No m'lord. She said that she needs a special ingredient that only you have. She..."

Y: "EXCUSE HER? She takes my job, and now she demands my ingredients. That brat is barely above a common apprentice...I swear by the Gods, if not for our Queen..."

G: "Please m'lord, the sun is about to set..."

You decide, still visibly upset, to go with the guard.

The sun sets over the treetops as you and the guard make your way back to the castle. On the way back, you tell the guard how this Iris has just finished her education under some healer whose name you can't recall and how she is far too young to undertake such a task (even tho she is of an age and not much younger than you). You go on about how she is arrogant and cocky, and how you don't understand how she has the nerve to think that she can produce a cure. You almost say that Her Majesty must be overtaken by fever to make such a decision, but you stop yourself. Questioning the Queen is punishable by death, and you value your head.

It is already night when you arrive at the castle courtyard. The guard gives you her regards and orders the key master to take you to the underground chambers. Y: "The dungeons? Why?" Key master: "Lady Iris has set up her laboratory in the dungeons, m'lord." You roll your eyes, mentioning how she is no lady, but stop yourself from further comments and decide to follow the key master.

He takes you down the spiral of narrow stairs, through cold and damp corridors and oval rooms, until you reach the big wooden door. You can hear the rattling of vials and bottles from the other side of the door, along with an odd smell coming from the room. Key master: "Here we are m'lord. Just knock and get inside." Y: "Finally. Thank you for escorting me, key master." K: "No problem m'lord. I will wait in the next room to take you back when you are done. Just give me a shake if I fall asleep." You give him a nod, knock on the door and open them.

Iris: "Oh, hello my lord. Sorry, I was immersed in my research, otherwise, I would have opened the door for you." As her eyes meet yours, you stop there, startled for a moment. You saw Iris a few times only in passing, otherwise, you have only heard of her as a young and aspiring healer. You now realized that she is, in fact, quite beautiful. Iris: "My lord? Won't you come in?" Y: "Ah yes, sorry...I was just examining your setup. I hear that you are working on a cure for our Queen. I: "Quite right. I found this old tome in the Royal Library the other day that describes an illness just like the one our Majesty has. And, alas, the recipe for a cure is also written there. It was first recorded in 1024..." She goes on about the book, illness, and the cure at some length. You can't believe that she found a cure. "How the hell didn't I find that tome? I have browsed the Royal Library countless times, and now this girl finds some miraculous tome that I have never seen. Bollocks."

I: "...and that is how I figured that that must be the cure for it." You snap back from your thoughts. Y: "Impressive work indeed...but what do you need me for?" She doesn't answer right away, as she arranges her ingredients. You find that unnerving, but at the same time, you look at her smooth and pretty face, her dark wavy hair, and her beautiful slender fingers. She is an attractive woman. I: "...You...I need you for the most special ingredient, one that I cannot provide myself." This is your time. Tell her how she stole your position and how she has the nerve to ask for help, tell her how... I: "This ingredient is your seed." Y: "What!? What seed?" I: "Your seed, my lord. Your life-giving seed. Your sperm. Cum, as commoners would say" Y: "Yes yes I get it. But why in the hell would you need that?"

I: "The recipe calls for the seed of a healer. When this was written, it was not believed that a woman could be a healer, so a healer must, after preparing a concoction, spill his seed into the mixture. Now clearly I cannot do that." Interesting. She is really pretty. The more you look at her, the more you realize that. If only she wasn't such a smartass. And all this talk about your seed and her dazzling appearance makes your head spin a bit. Y:" Yes um...well, I shall head home then, and provide you with a vile of my seed in the morning. Is that all you need? Iris looks at you and giggles. I: "You don't get it. The seed has to go directly into the cure, straight from the source. You have to do it here. Y: "Oh...I see. I shall then grab a blanket to cover myself and do it on your sofa." I: "No, the book says you have to be fully naked in order to harvest more power into your seed. Y: "Look, Iris, I don't know if I can get myself hard with you marching around." You know that you could, just from looking at her, but you don't want to admit it.

I: "Not to worry my lord. I will project a powerful lust spell on you through this sacred crystal. You will get aroused and eager in no time, as your head fills with erotic thoughts." You are experienced with spells, and you have a ward that protects you from magic. But you don't want to tell her that. Like this, you can jerk off to her, consciously, and not as a result of some silly spell. Y: "Sure, that is fine with me." I: "Alright...hold still my lord..." She clears her throat, as she prepares to cast the spell on you. I: "Per potestas data est mihi, ut tu me iubes, et pene difficile parata ad me, usque ad voluptatis culmen attingit ipsum!" You know that you should feel a warm tingling from such a spell, but because of your ward, you feel nothing. Anyhow, you must get hard now, so Iris believes that her spell worked. (Get hard)

I: "Did it work, my lord" It's so hot when she calls you "my lord". You feel your hard cock over your trousers a bit. Y: "It seems it did, very good work Iris." I: " Excellent! Now get fully naked my lord." You undress in front of Iris. To your surprise, she doesn't turn around to look away. Truly not a lady, but this behavior turns you on. (Get naked) Iris: "Oh wow..." Her eyes widen and her jaw drops a bit at the sight of your body and your cock. Y: "Is everything alright?" I: "Y...yes, yes, of course, didn't expect my spell to work so well." She blushes a bit.

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