You've been hanging around with enough WWE wrestlers lately that you've started to take a real interest in wrestling. After looking for some cheap wrestling classes, you decide on training with Nikki Bella, that way even if you suck at it, you'll have something nice to look at while you suck. You pack your gym bag and head to her ring.

Nikki - "Hey there, are you my new student?"

You - "Yeah, Nikki, right?"

Nikki - "Yup, and you are?"

You - "[Your name]"

Nikki - "Well nice to meet you, before we start we should change, so I'll see you back out here in a few minutes!"

If you have them, get changed into some loose shorts or sweats, if not just use your underwear

Nikki - "Alright cool, so do you have any experience wrestling or are you brand new to this?"

You - "I've never actually been in the ring before but I've watched my whole life, always wanted to try and here we are."

Nikki - "Well I'll warn you now, what we do might be "fake", but it still hurts like a bitch. You sure you're ready for it?"

You - "Do your worst."

Nikki - "If you say so, first we need to stretch."

Do some light stretches for 45 seconds

Nikki - "If you're ready, step into the ring and we can get started."

You slowly step into the ring for the first time.

Nikki - "Great, well generally the first thing we teach is how to run the ropes, I'm sure you've seen people do that 1000 times before so why don't you show me if you can do it?"

You - "Uh.. yeah sure, I can probably do that.."

Run in place for 30 seconds

You - "phew.. how was that?"

Nikki - "For your first time? Not terrible.. still lots of work to do though.. Here, watch me then you can try again."

You catch your breath while Nikki runs the ropes for 20 seconds

You watch Nikki run the ropes and can't help but notice that her ass basically swallows the middle rope as she backs into it, and you can't help but notice some things start to happen in your shorts.

Get hard in your pants

Nikki - "How'd I look?"

You - "uh.. pretty good. I mean, I don't exactly know what I'm looking for but I'm sure you looked better than I did.."

Nikki - "Well I've been at it for a while, stick with me, I'll at least teach you some of the basics. How about you try it again, I want to see if you picked anything up."

You glance down and look at the tent you're starting to pitch and your mind races to find any way out of running the ropes again..

You - "I mean, I think I've got it.. we can probably move on right?"

Nikki - "I don't doubt you, but I still need to see if you can do it, just go back and forth like 5 times, then we'll move on."

You - "uh.. yeah.. sure thing boss."

Run in place for another 15 seconds

You - "So how was that? Better?"

You look over to Nikki and see that she is staring at your crotch. Nikki - "So uh.. I take it that's why you didn't want to run again?"

You - "Yeah,, I'm really sorry about that.. just kind of happened.."

Nikki - "No worries.. it's fine. I wrestle with the men quite often so I'm used to working around uh.. obstacles. We'll wait for a minute until your friend calms down."

You - "Yeah.. sounds good."

Wait until you're soft before moving on

You - "Alright,, we're good to go. Again, so sorry about that. It won't happen again."

Nikki - "Really, it's fine. So now we're just going to practice some simple lifts. We'll start nice and easy, I just want you to lift me onto your shoulders like you're going to body slam me. But like, don't actually body slam me, you're not ready yet.

You - "Sure thing boss, so what do you want me to do?"

Nikki - "Like I said, it's pretty simple. Just put an arm around me, and I'll put one over your shoulder, then you're going to is bring your other arm down through my legs and just lift me up by my thigh, and I'll hold onto your thigh just so I don't slip and like.. die."

You - "Yeah.. I can manage that.. So just.. arm.. legs.. and thigh, now lift?"

Nikki - "Yup! Nice and easy, I don't need you throwing your back out. Yes! There you go! Perfect."

As soon as you get her up on your shoulders you sense danger, your hand slips in between her soft ass cheeks, and apparently that's enough to get you going.

Get hard in your pants again

Nikki - "Hey uh.. your friend is back again.."

You - "Yeah... I'm so sorry.. if this is awkward for you I can just go, I'd understand completely.."

Nikki - "No, it really is fine.. I mean.. I get it.. look at me. Let's just do something else again.. do some rolls, that way you learn how to safely take bumps.. you know, bodyslams, suplexes.. that kind of stuff. All you have to do is some somersaults, just lead with your forearm and make sure you tuck your neck. Just do that until you're ready to continue."

Rest until you're soft again

Nikki - "Okay, good. Now that you know how to take a basic bump, I'm going to hit you with a move, and all you have to do is pick me up like you're about to powerbomb me, then I'm going to spin around and once I'm done you're going to let me go and do a somersault just like you were doing before."

You - "Yeah.. I can do that.. So just.. powerbomb.."

You pick Nikki up and her crotch is just inches in front of your face.

You - "Wait a minute.. are you.. you know this is going to do to me right?"

Nikki - "Yes.. I do.. I'm counting on it actually.."

Nikki reaches down and starts rubbing your cock over your shorts as you hold her on your shoulders, her pussy right in front of your face.

Nikki - "Shit.. feels even bigger in my hands.. well, what are you waiting for? I'm right in front of you.."

She stops rubbing you momentarily to slide her shorts over to the side, just barely exposing herself to you, and you dive right in, licking her inside and out.

Rub yourself over your shorts until you're hard

Nikki - "Yeah.. there you go.. here.. put me down for a sec."

You do.

Nikki - "Now pick me up like you're going to bodyslam me again."

You do. Once you have her up on your shoulder she shimmies over, wrapping her legs around your head so you can eat her out some more. She then slides your shorts down and begins sucking your cock as you eat her out.

Wet, medium paced strokes for 20 seconds

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