You and Iris train hard, day in and day out. You teach her more about the magic, while simultaneously mastering your new powers.

Your troops train long and hard as well, learning battle formations and tactics, bonding with each other while the presence of the princess inspires them.

In a few weeks, you have a strong and able force of 3000 warriors, eager to save their queen and liberate their land. Iris and you feel ready as well, so you put on your battle suit amd prepare for a long march.

Your presence puts awe and confidence in your troops as they promise to fight and, if need be, die by your side.

Iris stands in front of the camp with her battalion of fighters, armed with a wand capable of casting immensely powerful magic.

You:"We are ready my love. I will lead the main attack force and strike at the White Fort, while you take the hill next to it and provide suppresive fire with the archers and your magic. If it comes to that, you must cut off their retreat, or the reinforcements, if they have any. This is our only chance to save the queen." Iris:"I know, my love. I am ready. And I know what I must do. We have good odds, and with your leadership, I am sure in our success. Now, let us drive that empirial scum back to their holes!" Y:"Indeed. MEN, ONWARD! MARCH!"

You and your troops march steadily to the beat of the drums, making your way through the beautiful lands, over the mountains and into the enemy territory.

Soon, thousands of your men surround the White Fort that is being held by the enemy.

Meanwhile, Iris's division takes position on the high ground next to the battlefield, waiting.

You say a few inspiring words to your men, and prepare for the battle as enemy soldiers take formation outside of the castle walls, getting ready to brake your siege.

You give command to sound the horns, signaling the attack to begin. With a brave war cry, thousends of northern warriors charge the invaders.

The battles is brutal, chaotic and gruesome. In just a few minutes, hundreds lay dead or wounded as frenzy of swords, spears and axes clash against each other.

You and your men push against the enemy wall of defence, but barely manage to drive them back.

After an hour of chaos, your mana is almost fully depleted from casting destructive spells and healing your men.

Archers that Iris commands fire the last of their arrows, but not enough to slow down the enemy advancements.

Soon, you realise that more than a half of your men are wounded and exhausted, while the enemy gains momentum. With no other option, you prepare to signal the retreat, but then...

You look up the hill and see Iris, naked and with her arms raised, chanting. That can mean only one thing, that she is preparing to cast a spell of immense power. But will it be enough?

You can feel how the very air fills with magic, and soon...

Iris casts a huge dark magic attack at the enemy, using all of her magical potency. The sky darkens and the sound of thunder echoes over the battlefield as enemy soldiers fall to the ground, falling over each other in confusion and panic.

You use the moment of sheer chaos and sprint for the castle gate, cutting down anyone in your path.

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