Only a few days after your last mission, Lord Vader orders you to come to visit him in his living quarters aboard his star destroyer.

You enter his room and kneel. Y:"What is thy bidding, my lord?" V:"Our Imperial spies have located my old apprentice on the Vandor system. Five rotations ago, I have dispatched two inquisitors to pursue her, but none have returned. Now, it is time for more drastic measures." Y:"You want me to go and hunt him down? V:"Her. And no. I will go and deal with her myself. You will be my backup, if I should require it." Y:"As you wish, my master."

The fleet lands above the icy planet, and so you and Vader board his shuttle and make for the surface.

As you approach the landing zone, you can sense a strong presence of the Force...and you feel watched, even before you land.

The blinding white of the snow pierces your eyes, and even before they can adjust to the sun, Vader commands you to move. V:"This way, follow me." Y:"But how can you tell, master? There are no tracks." V:"I can sense her presence. She is not far." Y:"You must have a strong connection with h..." V:"Do not overstep your boundaries, Inquisitor! You are here merely as a support. Now move along." Y:"...yes, master."

Soon, Vader stops in front of a hill and activates his lightsaber. Standing a step behind him, you do the same. V:"Do not engage her unless I say so. She is mine." Y:"As you say, my lord."

Ahsoka:"Well, well, well. Did the Empire send two new Inquisitors to capture me? How many of you do I have to cut down to make you give up? W...wait...the cold...the are not a mere inquisitor like the rest...who are you...sith?"

V:"I am death!" His sharp words cut through the cold air as he advances towards his old apprentice with determination and lethal intent.

A:"Come get it, Buckethead!" She ignites her two white lightsabers, unlike any you have seen before, and jumps towards Vader. The very air around you feels tense as the two are about to clash.

They engage in a fierce duel, their blades swinging, clashing, and flickering as they fight without holding back. She is very skilled, and even though you have fought beside Vader before, you never saw him fight with such resolve.

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