Elsie Hewitt Calls You Daddy. 31 picture JOI.

You're working as a lighting technician in Hollywood, a pretty good job, but you'd rather have a job in front of the camera. Usually you work on small projects, but today you're doing a bigger one. You don't really know what the job is, but it pays well, so that's enough for you.

While you're setting up te lights all the people around you suddenly go silent. You notice and look around to see what's going on. In walks Elsie Hewitt, supermodel. Of course you know who she is, but she's even more breathtaking in real life.

She shakes the hands of some important people as she glances over at you. She quickly looks away. A moment later she looks again, now giving you a smile. You smile back out of courtesy, not giving it much thought.

You're finishing your last work of the morning, you're sweating and tired, you've been working since early morning to get everything ready en very happy you're almost done for now. As you move some cables aside you hear a voice behind you:

"Hey hard working man can i pass for a moment?"

Without looking you answer:

"Yeah sure, no worries, just let me get these cables out of the way."

"It's a good thing we have strong men like you to do the heavy lifting around here." You hear her jokingly say while you move the cable out of the room.

When you get back you are stunned by what you see. It's Elsie, posing in a binini. You're just thinking about how hot she's looking in that bikini, when your eyes meet. "Fuck" you think "she definately caught me staring." You turn slightly red and avoid her eyes for a minute, pretending to be extremely interested in one of the studio lights.

When you think the coast is clear you take another glance, a little less obvious this time. It doesn't matter. You look her right in the face again while she sucks her thumb. She's looking right in your eyes, this time you can't look away. She winks at you, gives you a develish smile and turns away. All your collegues go for a break so you join them, eventhough you don't really want to.

When you get back from your break you see Elsie talking to some important looking people, but when she sees you she immediately excuses herself and comes your way. Your palms are sweating and your heart is in your throat but you pretend to be calm.

"Hey you, did you get a good look?" For a moment you're startled and try to come up with an excuse, but then she leans in. "I didn't mind, not from you. It turns me on when you look at me like that", she whispers. "I'd like you to come to lunch with me, i know a great place right around the corner ...away from everyone."

"Uh yeah of course, i couldn't say no to that." you say.

She bites her lips and says "Cool! I'll put on something nice."

At the restaurant you have a hard time concentrating on the conversation or the food or anything besides the sheer top she's wearing for that matter. After a while she asks:

"...is not that big of a deal, what do you think?"

You have no idea what she asked you.

"Oh you silly man, wheren't paying attention were we? I can tell by your face, you're red as a tomato." She laughs.

"Yeah i'm sorry, i'll pay more attention, do you mind repeating your question?"

"I don't mind, cause you asked so nicely. I was saying that casual sex isn't that big a deal, what's your opinion on that?"

"Oh eh, yeah i guess i don't have any problems with it."

"Good." She smiles mischievously and looks up at you for a while. She almost starts a sentence, but shakes her head instead.

"What?" you ask.

"What?" she answers.

"Well you were looking at me in a funny way, so i thought something was up."

"Oh did i? I didn't notice that. Anyway we gotta get back, we start shooting again in fifteen minutes. Make sure to drop by, i'm sure it'll be worth it."

At this point all the lights are set and you don't really have to be at the studio, but she asked you to drop by, so of course you do. The hallway to the studio is dark and there's not many people around anymore. When you enter the studio you get blinded by the light for a moment and then you see it. It's Elsie, but this time completely oiled up, shaking her tits for the camera, laughing, having fun and spanking her ass for the camera. "Fuck she is a wild one", you think to yourself.

The shoot is done, you go back to work. What seemed to be any other day turned out to be a great day. You saw who you now think is,the hottest woman on the planet, went to lunch with her and got a good payday. You're a happy man.

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