♥ Seme/Top ♥

Tsuzuru Tamotsu is unlucky, to put it lightly. Who else works seven days straight, gets mugged, has a customer yell at them, and... finds a half-dead body on his way home from work. Just as Tsuzuru was about to call the police, the mysterious man uses his remaining energy to stop him. Dear readers, for your safety, please don't do what Tsuzuru proceeded to do and bring an injured stranger you found in a dark alleyway into your home to tend to his wounds. Perhaps there IS a valid reason why Tsuzuru gets caught up in so many messes... Who even is this guy, and why is he so hurt, anyway!?

𝗢𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗸𝘀:

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