Medieval Chronicles, Chapter 4 - Princess of the Damned

Elanor and you stick to your plan and keep following the river. Soon, you find yourself surrounded by the incredibly thick fog that makes it impossible to see the way forward. Elanor:"This much fog means that we are close to a large body of water, no?" You:"Yes, either that or some paranormal occurrence..." E:"Oh, of course, what else would it be? Why do we always get ourselves in the situations like this?" Y:"Because that's what makes us adventurers, no? Seriously tho, this is kind of an unnaturally thick fog..." E:"So what do we do? We can't walk through this, we will fall down a ravine or something!"

Y:"You are right about that...hmm...I will cast a spell to clear the fog." Elanor gives you a sarcastically inquisitive look. E:"Oh? I thought weather manipulation is a strictly forbidden magical art!" Y:"Yes, yes, it is...but blowing some fog away is not the same as rearranging the clouds in the sky! Stand behind me..." Elanor giggles and stands behind you as you shout the arcane word, and a huge curtain of wind blows from behind you, driving the fog away. You smile at Elanor and point to the lake. Her yaw drops in amazment.

In front of you, there is an old, run-down castle, sitting in the middle of the island that floats in the center of a lake. E:"That old fool was telling the truth! It is here!" Y:"So it would seem. Looks pretty old, and abandoned." E:"So? There might be riches in there, long forgotten! Or arcane knowledge! Or a trapped princess!" Y:"All right, you had me at riches. We shall explore!" E:"Woo! do we get across? There are no boats?" Y:"Hmm...take your boots off." E:"Nice try, you fetishist!" Y:"Just take your boots off, you elven joker! I will cast a spell that will allow us to walk on water, for a time. Then we shall just stroll across!" E:"Huh, alright, that's smart. But, will you have enough mana if we need to fight afterward...two spells in such a short time..." Y:"Well, what do I have you and your daggers for? You will protect me!"

Elanor shakes her head and smiles, then proceeds to take her boots off. You wink at her and she laughs cheerfully, extending her foot in a jest, sliding her finger over her calf in a comically erotic way. You laugh and wave your hands around her feet, casting a spell, and then do the same on your feet. You take her by the hand and lead her over the lake, urging her not to look down.

You stroll across the lake and enter the castle. It is old, dusty, and full of cobwebs. The place smells of mold and old wood, mixed with memories of those who lived here, a long time ago. You see nothing of value yet.

E:"I will check the basement, you can go and explore the upper floors. We shall meet her in an hour. Alright?" Y:"Why will you take the basement?" E:"All sorts of monsters and abominations love to lurk in dark and damp places, and you are low on mana. If it comes to a fight, I will be of more use." Y:"Fine, just be careful." Elanor nods and unsheathes her dagger, making her way to the basement stairs. You look at her descending and then make your way to the upper floor.

The first floor yields no riches, so you climb to the final floor, in hopes of finding something. That floor is in much better condition, and your hopes rise. After some exploration, you find well preserved and locked door. With an arcane word and the last of your mana, you unlock it and step into the room.

The room is richly decorated, clean, and lit with candles. It smells of perfume and wax. What surprises you even more than the incredibly kept room in ruin, is a female figure in the middle of it. She freezes and raises her shoulders in surprise, making it clear that she heard you enter. Y:"Umm...I...I'm sorry for intruding, m-my lady...I was j-just..." ?:"You were...just...what?" Y:"E-exploring...y-your wonderful l-lady..." ?:"I am no lady! And this is not a home! For I am a prisoner, and this, my prison." Her voice, when raised, does not sound fully human. Y:"O-oh! Well...would you like to, free?" ?:"Free? a hollow notion! You cannot free me, mortal!" Your heart sinks. What have you found?" Y:"Mo...mortal?"

The woman finally turns around and sits on her sofa. She is extremely attractive, but more than that, her eyes are red! ?:"Yes, are you not...a mortal?" Y:"I...I am indeed!" ?:" Cristina. And I have been trapped here, trapped and cursed! I was a princess once, some 300 years ago. I could not find a suitor, for I lusted after many men. My father, a vile man, cursed me with an undying lust...lust for blood...and then, he trapped me here, for all eternity!" Y:"So you are...a...v-v...a v..." Cristina:"A VAMPIRE!" Y:"E...Elanor...El-" C:"No, I am Cristina! And are the first man I saw three centuries...before I drain you...I will satisfy my other...appetites with you, mortal...." She licks her lips and measures you from head to toe.

Y:"W-wait...we can s-sort something o-out, p-please...h-hold on!" C:"No! I will have you in every way imaginable, mortal! I will have you! I have waited for so long! I can sense your is delicious! But it can also sense your...arousal? Hahaha, good! I love to play with my food. I can see you are getting nice and hard in your trousers! Yes, get hard for me, get hard for the princess of the damned!" (Get hard)

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