Interlaced Mode 2 Output [genesis_plus_gx_render] (core option)

Interlaced Mode 2 allows the Mega Drive/Genesis to output a double height (high resolution) 320x448 image by drawing alternate scanlines each frame (this is used by 'Sonic the Hedgehog 2' and 'Combat Cars' multiplayer modes). 'Single Field' mimics original hardware, producing each field (320x224) alternatively with flickering/interlacing artefacts. 'Double Field' simulates the interlaced display, which stabilises the image but causes mild blurring.

  • Single Field [single field] - Sets Interlaced Mode 2 Output as Single Field.
  • Double Field [double field] - Sets Interlaced Mode 2 Output as Double Field.

Game is: Combat Cars

DISCLAIMER: Libretro can do whatever with these videos. Or maybe someone can make even better videos. These video demonstrations of core options and such were made just so users would have at least have something to use as an animated visual reference.

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