The "Fun" or "Partygoers" level within the Back rooms is a surreal and visually stimulating space with an infinite maze of interconnected rooms. Its theme is a never-ending party or celebration, featuring vibrant colors, bizarre furniture, and party decorations like streamers and balloons. The atmosphere is chaotic and unsettling, with eerie sounds of distant laughter and echoing music adding to the disorienting and otherworldly nature of the level. There may be colorful and extravagant furnishings, such as oddly shaped chairs, plush couches with intricate designs, and tables adorned with vibrant tablecloths.

The Partygoers are tall humanoid entity’s that seem to be native to level Fun, and are only very rarely seen outside the floor. The entity’s seem to be obsessed with having fun, and as a result are constantly wearing things like party hats and balloons, although with there relatively low intelligence that is about as much as they can do. They can usually be seen in rooms of groups up to 3-5 of them, although it’s not rare to run into just one or two of them. Another interesting thing about the Partygoers is there unique ability to produce Liquid Lust as a type of venom, this being the only place the liquid is found, it being a direct opposite of the Liquid Pain found in multiple other levels.

This level seems to have a rather high entity count, so once you have alerted one or two of them, escape becomes almost impossible. Becouse of there low intelligence how ever, as long as you go slow and quietly, you can usually avoid them by hiding under the tables as long as they have a cloth or plastic table cover to conceal you.

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