Name; Kamilah the Jackal / Human / Rogue (Phantom) / Acolyte / Lawful Neutral Age; 22 / Height; 5'8" (173cm) / Player Character from the Mythic Theros setting.

Kamilah is a member of the small, though powerful, cult of religious assassins known as the Daughters of Anubis. The ranking numbers supposedly receive instruction from their jackal-headed deity through ritualistic ceremony, during which they are given targets to hunt down and usher unto the afterlife.

Kamilah herself is an acolyte of the Daughters, one who has risen above priesthood and chosen the path of a Jackal. She is on pilgrimage to send many souls to the Duat, to train her body and hone the skills required of an assassin before she can be allowed to commune with Anubis and take on missions of import to the Daughters.

Abilities of the Phantom;

WHISPERS / WAILS -- Spirits of the dead cling to Phantoms, and will aid them. A Phantom can call on the knowledge of a spirit, or use them to harm others in battle.

SOUL TOKENS -- Even the souls of newly-dead beings can be useful, formed into supernatural trinkets that grant the Phantom greater power. (Enhanced vitality, improved ability in combat, communion with the soul.)

GHOST WALK -- A skilled Phantom is experienced enough to know where the veil is thin, and can step between the Duat and Material Plane. They become nearly intangible for a brief period, able to pass through matter, fly, and easily evade attacks.

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