Hi! I'm Lauren! If you can impress me you'll get to choose who you want to cum for! My fetish is guys who can last really long. Based off of your throbbing dick it won't be easy for you here.

Let's start if off easy for you, give me 10 slow strokes!

(10 slow strokes)

That's so hot! Keep going nice and slow for 20 strokes!

(20 slow strokes)

Imagine these red lips around your dick and give me 30 slow strokes on your head only!

(30 slow strokes head only)

Pick up the pace for these tits and give me 40 medium strokes!

(40 medium strokes)

Don't you just wish the zipper was a little bit lower? Maybe I can make that happen but you have to keep stroking! Give me 50 medium strokes!

(50 medium strokes)

It would be so hot if you could fuck my tits! Give me 60 medium strokes with one hand on each of your dick, maybe one day you'll get to fell the real thing!

(60 medium strokes)

This is where most men fail, give me 70 fast strokes as tight as this latex hugs my curves!

(70 fast and tight strokes)

Keep that fast pace going you're getting close to the end! Give me 80 fast strokes!

(80 fast strokes)

It would be so hot if you came all over these tits! 90 more fast strokes!

(90 fast strokes)

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