Final Fantasy: Time Twister - Lightning + Serah Farron

[Mission Objective: Free Serah from Corrupted Lightning's influences.]

Lightning: "Ah, the eponymous rift hero finally arrives in my realm to challenge me. You're here for Serah I suppose? Too bad, she's with me where she belongs. My sister was resistant at first but over time she succumbed to my commands. The Serah you'll find here is just a shadow of her former self, she's nothing more than my lapdog now, isn't that right sis?"

[Serah, the girl you lost earlier in the rift and ultimately the one whose disappearance let to Aerith's downfall trudges into view. Her weapon raised towards you, her eyes lost in a trance-like state, she takes her place next to her sister.]

Serah: "Yes sis. I'm your good girl and here to serve. You opened my eyes to the great and beautiful power of the rifts. I'm eternally grateful that you chose to share this gift with me."

[Lightning nods and laughs.]

Lightning: "See? You've only hastened your own demise by coming here. Me and Serah will easily drain you of all that cum you so foolishly brought into their domain. Serah, undress."

[Lightning begins to strip off, ready to offer her body to you and to try and defeat your self-control. Serah appears to hesitate for a moment, her wide eyes observing you before following her sister's lead and removing every article of clothing.]

[With Lightning undressed before you and Serah not far behind, you plant Aerith's staff in the ground to again start the process of drawing Serah's corruption out. You will need to hold out against both girls at once until Serah is free of her sister's sexual influences. Beware! As Serah loses corruption, Lightning will gain it and overcharge, drastically increasing difficulty.]

Lightning: "Pahaha, you think that staff will work against us? I know what you're trying to achieve here HERO. But you're in the rifts domain now. Any corruption you take from her will only further fuel me, your cock is heading for oblivion. Serah, begin."

[Serah's Corruption Level: 100% - Lightning's Corruption Level: 100%]

[Serah, tightly bound up with a number of ropes and straps sits in front of you. She spreads her legs wide as instructed and begins to rub her cunt for you. It's hard to believe someone would do this to their own sister but Lightning's will seems to absolute. The strength of the compulsion you feel emanating from two corrupted girls together is overpowering.]

[Lightning activates the FAMILY BOND modifier. Roll your dice. Depending on the outcome you will either follow Serah's or Lightning's stroke instruction. As the rift continues and corruption levels change, Serah's instructions will get easier and Lightning's will get harder. Hope for the best!]

Roll your dice:

1-3: Follow Serah's Instruction 4-6: Follow Lightning's Instruction

Will of Lightning: Stroke at maximum speed for 30 seconds Will of Serah: Stroke at maximum speed for 30 seconds

Lightning: "Now, let's really fuck with that cock of his. Serah, come here."

[Serah's Corruption Level: 99% - Lightning's Corruption Level: 101%]

[Serah again stands up and moves to her sister's side saying nothing.]

Lightning: "I'm sure it would please that cock of yours greatly to see what me and my sister can do wouldn't it? Not just playing with you but with each other. You should have seen the distress on her face when I first broke her in with my fingers. If only you'd saved her in time, you could have saved her from such an embarrassment."

Roll your dice:

1-3: Follow Serah's Instruction 4-6: Follow Lightning's Instruction

Will of Lightning: Stroke at maximum speed for 35 seconds Will of Serah: Stroke at maximum speed for 35 seconds

[Serah's Corruption Level: 95% - Lightning's Corruption Level: 105%]

Lightning: "Like what you see hero? Look at how welcoming and wet she is for my fingers now that the rift has cleansed her mind. How her body shivers and trembles at my touch. How puffy and perky her nipples are. Who wouldn't want her all to themselves? Serah, his cock, your mouth."

[Serah starts heading towards you on her hands and knees, her fingers still slick from fingering Lightning's cunt.]

[Serah's Corruption Level: 99% - Lightning's Corruption Level: 101%]

Roll your dice:

1-3: Follow Serah's Instruction 4-6: Follow Lightning's Instruction

Will of Lightning: Stroke at maximum speed for 40 seconds Will of Serah: Stroke at a fast speed for 40 seconds

[Serah's Corruption Level: 90% - Lightning's Corruption Level: 110%]

[Crawling towards you, Serah licks her lips. She pauses for a moment studying your cock before taking a deep breath and plunging her head down on it, taking your length down her throat. You can see Lightning laughing wickedly in the background.]

[Serah says nothing, barely moaning or making any noise at all. It's almost as if she is a robot, or rather, a mindless slave bent to her sister's will. It makes you uncomfortable but you can already tell the staff is picking up some charge from her. You almost feel like you can see a glimmer of the real Serah in her eyes as she continues to suck you off.]

Roll your dice:

1-3: Follow Serah's Instruction 4-6: Follow Lightning's Instruction

Will of Lightning: Stroke at the speed of the animation for 55 seconds Will of Serah: Stroke at the speed of the animation for 30 seconds

Lightning: "Serah, ride his cock."

[Serah's Corruption Level: 85% - Lightning's Corruption Level: 115%]

[Once more, obediently and without uttering a word, Serah simply adheres to her sister's instruction. She holds you down firmly before climbing on top of your cock. Her face twists slightly at the feeling of you entering her but she makes no sound. Lightning claps her on from behind.]

Lightning: "Good, very good Serah. She's learnt so much already. Did you know she was a virgin when I found her and took her here. If only you had been here for her first time instead of her being a mindless cum-slut for the rift men in this dimension. Can you imagine the humiliation and pain of your sister pimping you to others? It's no wonder she barely says anything now. My Serah just lives and breathes to serve cock."

Roll your dice:

1-3: Follow Serah's Instruction 4-6: Follow Lightning's Instruction

Will of Lightning: Stroke at the speed of the animation for 70 seconds Will of Serah: Stroke at the speed of the animation for 25 seconds

[Serah's Corruption Level: 80% - Lightning's Corruption Level: 120%] [Lightning's Corruption hits a break-point.]

Lightning: "The cruel part of the rift energies is that the host is always aware on some level of what is going on. They are just unable to fight back. Serah must be screaming in her own head right now as she is once again made to fuck for my enjoyment. But if the pleasure is there where's the harm right?"

[Serah begins to speed up her bouncing on your cock but still no moans or squeals come forth from her. You feel like she is peering into your very soul as she looks at you, her eyes almost begging for this curse on her to end.]

Roll your dice:

1-3: Follow Serah's Instruction 4-6: Follow Lightning's Instruction

Will of Lightning: Stroke at the speed of the animation for 45 seconds Will of Serah: Stroke at the speed of the animation for 20 seconds

Lightning: "Serah, get off him. It's my turn."

[Serah's Corruption Level: 85% - Lightning's Corruption Level: 115%]

[With the sexual energy in the room now surrounding Lightning instead of Serah, their corruption levels begin to shift.]

Lightning: "Just when you thought you were getting somewhere huh? I told you that staff of yours won't help you. Every time you start to break through to Serah, I'll gladly take over and make you stuff your cock into me instead. You can't break both of us."

Roll your dice:

1-3: Follow Serah's Instruction 4-6: Follow Lightning's Instruction

Will of Lightning: Stroke at the speed of the animation for 60 seconds Will of Serah: Stroke at the speed of the animation for 40 seconds

Lightning: "Serah, come here. Let me replenish that glorious corruption of yours."

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