Lufu: I knew you were a real fan the moment I saw you and that big dick! Do you know what real fans get?

You: Um well...

Lufu: Oh silly the question was rhetorical! Real fans get real orgasms!

You: Really?!

Lufu: One last edge! You've been such a good boy!

You: (Edge)

Lufu: Cum for me! Shower me in your cum!

You: (Cum)

Lufu: You have a good time?

You: I can't even describe how amazing that felt!

Lufu: Well we should probably get cleaned up, it got everywhere!

You: Yeah, and then I guess we'll have to part ways... I'll never forget this experience!

Lufu: I think you'll be seeing more of me in the future.

You: Really?

Lufu: Give me your number.

You: (Give her your number) What do you want my number for?

Lufu: Let's just say whenever I'm feeling "bored" I'll tell you and we can do all of this again!

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