You were waiting outside the restaurant you picked out for your date with the goddess of the WWE Eve Torres the last few days she, sent a lot of selfies of her self, she was sexy and cute in all of them as she made sure of that so she could make you hard cuz after a minute she asked for a picture of your cock and you didn't ask any question or anything.

You were waiting in front of the restaurant and then saw her and smiled as you still didn't believe it "Eve hey" you said as she got closer and smiled at you.

"Hey," she said

"How do I look," she says with a smile as she showed her self off to you.

"amazing," you said honesty as she was and she smiled and took your hand, you smiled "come on let's go inside," you said and start walking inside with her.

When inside the waiter took you to your table and gave you both a menu.

She looked at the menu then up at you "awwww this is a vegan restaurant thanks" she said as she noticed no meat on the menu.

You smiled and nodded "yeah of course I mean I figured that's what you wanted," you say as you look threw the menu as well, as you were you saw from the corner of your Eve movie her arm down to her legs.

As you looked up you then felt something moving on your leg as you saw Eve move back up, she smiled as you felt a foot move up your leg closer to your crouch.

"mmmm what the matter sweety," she says and giggles.

"What are you doing," you ask.

She smiles and you feel her foot right on your crouch "take it out" she says and looks at you before she smiles and bits her lip.

You didn't know what to do and did as she said and took it out. As you take it out you see her feet waiting for your cock.

She sees you looking at them and smiles "Mmmmm you like my cute like feet mmm well your lucky I would have done this with my shoes on but since you picked out the perfect restaurant I feel like I should do something to" she says and smiles and as soon as your cock leaves your boxes her feet start working.

You feel her feet start to go to work as they go around your cock and you feel them her small gentle feet on your semi-hard cock.

"Mmmmm yeah that it mmmm I have to say you picked out a nice place mmmm guess you know more about me then I thought," she says as she keeps going you feel her feet gently go to work

slow and gentle strokes 20 seconds

"Mmmmm yeah you love my feet and how they work your cock big boy mmmm I know you do, you have a feet fetish right," she asks

You nod "yes I do legs and feet," you say

She nods "feel than you gonna enjoy giving me a massage then," she says witch makes you smile as she was right.

Medium strokes 15 seconds

You bit your lip as you feel her start to really go to work under the table with her feet you were loving this and could help but moan under your breath witch made her giggle.

As she was going to work she started to slow down as the waiter came to take your order

slow strokes 10 seconds

"I will have Veggie Grill," she says as she talks like there nothing going on under the table. The waiter writes it down and looks at you.

Fast stokes 12 seconds

"Yeah mmm... I will..." You try to say but feel Eve starts to go faster. She smiles at you but you cling your teeth "I will have what she having and a bottle of wine" you were barely able to get out but the waited for nods and goes off. You look at Eve who gives you a wink as she keeps going

Medium strokes 10 seconds

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