Jamming with Jenna Coleman: The Cutting Room Floor

[Of course, you don't know why you even considered another route. With Kristen refusing to film, instead sacrificing her career on the altar of her leaked nudes, you needed the next video in your celebrity hunt. Who better to star in a reluctant jerk off video than the timid actress, Jenna Coleman.]

[Jenna has always been careful to shroud her personal life and habits from the prying eyes of the paparazzi and you wondered how she would handled being cornered in the cutting room and subjugated to jerk you off on camera. You read through the script you had written for her and smirked. Yes, this one would definitely be entertaining. You were doing gods work, lifting the veil on an actress that many perceived to be sin free and wholesome.]

[Looking into the booth you see Jenna, already flicking through the footage from her latest production. You knew from your inside sources that she was here to compile a video of her favourite outfits, from across all her films and tv shows. You bet that she wasn't ready to be the star of a new production at the same time.]

[Peering through the window at Jenna, you sneak a hand down into your trousers, grasping your cock. You may as well make sure you're ready for the performance right? You slowly jerk yourself as you watch Jenna through the window, completely unaware of what is about to happen to her. 40 seconds slowly go by as you begin to lose yourself in the sensations, your hands caressing your cock, gliding up and down the shaft as you watch Jenna.]

[You barge into the cutting room, slamming the door behind you to dramatically announce your presence to Jenna. Dressed in a blue pinstripe suit, the actress whirls around her feet and looks down on you.]

Jenna: "And who might you be?"

You: "You might have heard of me. Do the names Ellie and Chloe ring a bell?"

[Jenna's eyes widen as the names leave your lips. There's that look of recognition you had by now grown used to. Ah yes, and that look of disgust that quickly follows it.]

Jenna: "But why me? I'm, I'm small fry! My career isn't big enough to bring down you on top of me?!"

You: "You're hot, simple as. And my followers demand it. So, you're next."

[To further reinforce the point, you take your phone out and show to Jenna that it is already recording. You approach, and slip your hand down your trousers again, this time stroking at a medium pace, forcing Jenna's attention to your activity. You stroke at a steady, medium pace for 30 seconds and then lower your trousers and underwear, revealing your thick and throbbing cock to Jenna.]

[The screens in the cutting room appear to be on a timer. Every few minutes, they change, showing off another of Jenna's outfits. It appears she has quite the collection from her various works, just like your online sources said. The script would work perfectly.]

[You reach out your hand to Jenna, passing her the phone. Her eyes dart from you, to the phone and down to your exposed dick. Her eyes well up with tears as the hopelessness of the situation dawns on her. With the only exit behind you and towering over her smaller frame, she realises that there is no hope of escape.]

You: "You have been chose Jenna Coleman as the next star of the Celebrity Jerk Off videos. If you do not comply, my team of agents will spend the rest of their working lives, disseminating false information about you. You will never appear in public again without being hounded by the press."

[Tears begin streaming down Jenna's cheeks as she listens to you, appearing to be frozen in shock at the situation. You again push the phone into her hands and continue to speak as the cutting room images cycle again, showing off Jenna in casual wear.]

You: "But there is a way out of this. Star in your own personalised jerk off video and endure the short term embarrassment of being an internet whore. Your video will circulate forever but, with time, people will forget and normality will resume."

[You begin stroking your cock again, keeping up a medium pace for a further 20 seconds before finishing your grand speech.]

You: "So, Jenna. Which one is it?"

[As the screens flash and change again, showing off Jenna in a red dress, teasing the reveal of her thigh to the camera, you increase the speed of your strokes as you await Jenna's answer. You stroke at a fast pace for 20 seconds, watching as the actress, visibly shaking at this point, takes the phone from you.]

Jenna: "What do I have to do?"

[You hand Jenna the script.]

You: "It's simple. Everything you have to do and say, is written in there. Just...follow the script. I'm sure you're used to that right?"

[Jenna takes the script from you, her eye widening as she reads the first few lines. Before she says anything, she drops to her knees and sidles up next to your exposed cock. You take the phone from her and make sure the recording has started before getting her in frame.]

Jenna: "Hello internet. My name is Jenna Louise Coleman. And welcome to my own homemade celebrity jerk off video. Just like the unfortunate before me, I'm saying goodbye to my career and hello to this cock."

[Jenna turns the page on the script as the screens in the cutting room change again. She turns to look as the white glow from the next picture illuminates the room.]

Jenna: "For those joining at home, I implore you to follow along with my motions. This video is for YOU to enjoy. I'm merely here to serve. I have had many outfits in my career and it is pleasure for you to jerk to them all today."

[Jenna stops reading and tries to cover the camera on the phone.]

Jenna: "I-I-I can't do this. I'm sorry but I just can't. This is too much. I need a minute. Please."

[You allow it. After all, she has nowhere to go. It's either this video or years of rumors. You keep the phone recording, making sure her suffering is included in the video. Whilst Jenna tries to compose herself on her knees in front of you, you continue to stroke, gotta stay hard and thick for her after all! You stroke slowly, inches from Jenna's face for 35 seconds.]

[As the screen shifts again, showing off Jenna in a baggy yellow top, the actress appears to calm down. She again looks the script and then at the camera.]

Jenna: "Now we will begin."

[Stifling her sobs, Jenna reaches out clumsily for you cock, grabbing at air for a few moments before she manages to clutch the head. You can see the shame and embarrasment reflected in her face as this act is caught on camera and she tries to focus herself solely on the script.]

Jenna: "Following my instructions, all of you pervs at home will have a joyful wank to my various costumes and outfits, culminating in lots of cum for me! Please do send me your tributes, I will gleefully accept them. And, as for this cock here. This one is all mine. His load is going all over my face."

[Jenna begins to slowly pump your cock, her eyes fixated on your glistening head. As repulsed as she is, you know she must be getting turned on by this. Some innate part of her is craving more. She pumps your cock, barely moving at all, slower than even you would pumo for a whole 60 seconds before the screens flash and flicker over to the next image.]

[As the image of Jenna's stripey top appears on all the screens, her lips quiver and the poor woman begins full on bawling her eyes out, her hand still barely stroking your cock. You make sure to zoom the camera in, capturing the pain in her eyes before nudging her to continue with the script.]

Jenna: "N-N-Now, we speed up. Match the rhythm and movements of my hand as I enjoy every inch of this cock in my grip. I want you all stroking at home to enjoy my body and the sexy outfits that I choose to show off on film. Let's stroke at whatever your steadiest pace is for another 45 seconds."

Jenna: "I know you all my look on this one. Why don't y'all show me by tightening the grips on those cocks and quickening your pace. Let's all jerk fast and frenetically together for a full minute. Look! Let me show you!"

[With that, Jenna edges closer to you, her face less than an inch from your cock. Looking up at the camera hesitantly she then increases her pace, gripping your cock tight as she does so. You make sure to zoom in with the camera, ensuring the concentration on her tear soaked face is visible for all to see. Yes, this timid actress was definitely kinkier than she ever let on.]

Jenna: "All you legs fans are in for a real treat for the next couple of photos. I want all of you to jerk extra hard for me now okay? Look at my legs, and lead your eyes up to my thighs. This is the Jenna Coleman that the world deserves to see, don't you think? I'm so glad that I've been given the opportunity to star in my own video, it's just the break I needed."

[Jenna increases the speed of her strokes even further, so that her hand is just a fast moving blur for 20 seconds. The sensations shooting through your cock and your body as you enjoy the shapely sights of Jenna's legs knocks you for six and you have to steady yourself for a moment, resting your hand on the actresses head. You really did not expect this from her!]

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