Final Fantasy: Time Twister - Tier 8 - Heart of the Rift

Lunafreya: "This is our last chance to seal the rift for good and save the universe. The plan is simple enough. That cock of yours that you've been using to seal all these rifts? Well, it's been a ticking time bomb the whole time right? What with you fighting the urge to cum hard for all these girls?"

[Aerith seems to understand Lunafreya''s plan. She crawls over to you and begins to lick the tip of your cock.]

Lightning: "Looks like Aerith gets it. A combination of corruption free Tifa and corrupted Aerith offered before you should result in a catastrophic detonation of the rift core once that cumshot of yours goes off. Your journey is nearly over hero, make it to the end, cum for these two girls and victory should be ours."

[Tifa takes you and Aerith by the hand and walks towards the final portal with you.]

Lunafreya: "Once you're inside, Tifa and Aerith will get to work on you. You MUST last until the end before you blow okay? We need to make sure the rift has nowhere to go. I will try and give you as much advance warning as I can how long you must last. Do this, and not only will we seal the rifts for good but Aerith and all the other girls across the cosmos should be freed. Are you ready?

Enter Heart of the Rift - Finale:

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