It is just another seemingly regular night, and you are spending some alone time in your hotel room. For the past few months, you have been working as Hailee Steinfeld's bodyguard, which has been pretty close to a dream job for you.

You spend most of your time traveling with her, staying at fancy hotels, accompanying her to sets and dinner parties, driving her around, and planning her security for all sorts of events. It is a lot of work, but it pays well, and Hailee is a pretty good company. You are not immune nor blind to her beauty, but both of you have kept the relationship strictly professional.

It is pretty late, and Hailee has a big photo shoot for Vevo tomorrow, so you are slowly getting ready to call it a night and get some shut-eye. You have to be awake and aware tomorrow, after all.

As you sit on the edge of your bed, you catch a glimpse of your phone in the corner of your eye, and it seems to you like you just got a notification. You pick up your phone and check it. A faint smile appears on your face as you see a message from Hailee and open the chat.

You think about it for some time, since it's a bit late and both of you should get some sleep, but you decide to come over to make sure that the security is tight for tomorrow.

Getting up from the bed, you slide your phone into your pocket, adjust your shirt, and get out of your room, making your way to Hailee's, down the hall.

You knock on the door, and she opens quickly, smiling and letting you inside. Her room is a bit bigger and much nicer than yours, and indeed, there are two glasses of champagne, waiting on the coffee table. You sit on the sofa and pick up the glass.

Hailee picks up her glass and takes a little sip, standing in front of you. You look at her and notice her night attire, which is a see-through night gown, and a light blouse over it. She looks very hot in her outfit, but you try not to stare.

You: "Hey, you wanted to go over security details for tomorrow?"

Hailee: "Well,, actually that's not it. But it was the most effective way to get you to come over here at this hour!" Hailee laughs a bit and takes another sip of champagne.

Y: "So...what is the real reason for me being here?"

H: "Look, I'm really nervous about this photo shoot tomorrow. I have six different outfits that they want to shoot me in, and one of them is a bikini!" You laugh and take a sip from your glass.

Y: "You're always nervous before the shoots, why is this so special?"

Hailee gets closer to you and puts her glass down.

H: "This one is big! It's Vevo, those guys are important, I have to do good, really good!"

Y: "And you will. And I will be there to make sure that you are safe and sound while you do it, okay?"

H: "Yeah, I know that. It's just..."

Y: "Yes? It's just what? Why am I really here, Hailee?"

H: " do I say this and not make it sound weird...fine, here it goes. I would like to do a test run of the shoot in front of someone. So, I want you to sit there, and I will go to the bathroom, change into the first outfit, and practice my poses in front of you. And then we'll do this for the other 5 outfits. If I want to be able to do it in front of them, I have to be able to do it in front of you. Does...does that make any sense, or am I being a weirdo?"

Y: "Yeah, don't worry, it makes sense. It's like...exposure therapy, I guess. Fine, I will sit here, and you can pretend that I'm the head of Vevo, judging your poses." You both laugh for a bit, and then Hailee makes her way to the bathroom, with the first dress over her hand.

H: "Thank you so much, you are the absolute best! Let me just change, I'll be right out. Don't go anywhere!"

You chuckle to yourself and lean back in the sofa, drinking champagne and waiting for Hailee to change into her first outfit and come out.

After a few minutes, the doors of the bathroom open, and Hailee walks out, wearing a beautiful black and white dress with a cleavage. Your eyes widen and you put down your glass as you look at her, a bit stunned. You have seen her in nice dresses many times before, but never alone and in a situation like this. As you look at her amazing figure, you can feel yourself getting excited.

(Get hard)

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