Final Fantasy: Time Twister - Part 2 - Defeat Corrupted Aerith

[Mission Objective: Defeat Corrupted Aerith] [Aerith's Corruption Level: 100%]

[As you emerge into the prison that Lunafreya and Lightning concocted to hold Aerith's corrupted soul, you see the girl in front of you. Tightly bound up, just like in the real world so as to give you a fighting chance before the battle begins, you head over to her. She doesn't try to struggle or say anything. Her piercing green eyes are watching you as you pace around the room, getting ready to try and save your friend.]

[Aerith's Corruption Level: 100%]

[As you pace around your former friend, your cock stiffens and you gird yourself ready for the fight ahead. You know she will show you things, more visions of what you could be getting up to with her, a mental battle. To emerge victorious you must stroke to each animation at the speed of the animation. Aerith has been in the rift dimension for a while and her corruption will take a long time to be cleansed. This is a battle of endurance. Good luck!]

[Aerith's Corruption Level: 100%]

[Aerith's corrupted soul manifest a vision in front of you. It appears to depict the first interaction she had in the rift dimension after she left you previously. The sight is not a pretty one. On her back, her pussy being destroyed by a giant cock, her throat is stretched to its limit as a second forces it way into her mouth.]

Planet Advisor: 10 seconds

Planet Guardian: 20 seconds

Planet Protector: 30 seconds

[Aerith's Corruption Level: 97%]

[The next vision appears to be Aerith in the house where you found her. It seems like once in the rift dimension she was taken and kept here until you rescued her. With her mind melted to the rifts, this vision shows more double penetration as the sweet flower girl you knew loses the last of her sanity. From here on out, Aerith was nothing more than a mindless cum-slut for the rift to use.]

Planet Advisor: 15 seconds

Planet Guardian: 30 seconds

Planet Protector: 45 seconds

[Aerith's Corruption: 95%]

Aerith: "Enjoying what I'm showing you? Your friend being pummelled and filled with cock? If only you saved Serah in time, you could have stopped me from falling like this. And now look at you, stroking that cock, trying to remove all the corruption from me. Maybe you'll do it, maybe you won't. All I know is I won't be the same afterwards."

Planet Advisor: 20 seconds

Planet Guardian: 45 seconds

Planet Protector: 60 seconds

[Aerith's Corruption Level: 93%]

Aerith: "I know you've cleansed before but this is different isn't it? Watching someone you care about being humiliated and fucked like this over and over again. Most of those others you saved won't have taken half as long as this will take you. I'm most interested to see if you can make it to the end without giving in. And even with her soul cleansed, the girl herself still needs saving. How much more can you truly take?"

Planet Advisor: 25 seconds

Planet Guardian: 50 seconds

Planet Protector: 70 seconds

[Aerith's Corruption Level: 90%]

[This vision appears to depict a time before you met Aerith, even before you accepted her invitation to embark on the mission waaaaay back at the start it appears she was a victim of corruption. The poor girl must have been through so much. To know the world and her friends are all at stake, to be felt up and fucked in her own hometown before beginning such a mission in the first place.]

Planet Advisor: 20 seconds

Planet Guardian: 35 seconds

Planet Protector: 40 seconds

[Aerith's Corruption Level: 88%]

Aerith: "I was taken in my sleep multiple times right at the beginning. When the rift was building up it's forces. I thought I was going mad, waking up in the mornings with warm cum dripping out of my cunt and no explanation as to why. I knew I had to get to the bottom of it all. That's why I reached out to you in the first rift hero. But look at you now. Struggling to hold back cum for your mindless flower whore."

Planet Advisor: 40 seconds

Planet Guardian: 55 seconds

Planet Protector: 70 seconds

[Aerith's Corruption Level: 85%]

Aerith: "Submitting to the rift and giving in to it, just like I did when I left you was the best move I could have made. It removes fear, it removes resistance. No longer would I be scared when men came to freely fuck me. Instead I embraced it, I hungered for it, just like I do now. Just like I hunger for you. Why won't you just give me what I want?"

Planet Advisor: 20 seconds

Planet Guardian: 30 seconds

Planet Protector: 45 seconds

[Aerith's Corruption Level: 81%]

[You witness Aerith, almost wrapped up like a gift with a bow in her hair. The first time she stopped trying to resist the influence of the corruption. Her head buried in a pillow, she begins to accept that she will spend the rest of her days being a mindless whore for the rift entity. Her ass jiggles as she is ploughed almost without break by hordes of rift-slaves and this time she accepts it fully.]

Planet Advisor: 30 seconds

Planet Guardian: 40 seconds

Planet Protector: 50 seconds

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