The morning brakes as Fianna and you make your way to the Burning Rock Castle, walking through the tall grass while the waves slowly wash against the shore. The scenery would be quite beautiful if you were not about to face off with the Demon Prince Voldokor. Fianna:"We are nearly at the castle...can you feel anything, Viper?" You:"Yes, I can...the is thick with magic...not the good kind, though." F:"So he is here? The dragon?" Y:"Something evil is here for sure...we will soon find out if it is our dragon." As you move closer, the sense of dread washes over you, and dark magic fills the air.

The ground starts to quake slightly and everything darkens suddenly as you reach the castle gate. Fianna thugs at your sleeve and points to the sky. Out of nowhere, you can see an eclipse, covering the sun and turning the day darker with every passing second. The ground underneath you shakes more, and you smell sulfur from the direction of the castle. Y:"Fianna, we must be very caref-"

Before you can finish the sentence, a huge, three-headed monster bursts out of the castle, breaking the walls and towers as he spreads his massive, black wings, roaring loudly as lava splashes from the hole in the ground around his feet. Fianna protects you from the flying debris with her shield, and you prepare for battle.

Fianna and you brake formation, trying to reach the dragon from both sides at once, but there are only two of you against his three heads. The creature keeps mercilessly breathing fire at both of you, while also swinging at you with its claws, making it impossible to reach him. Fianna protects herself with her enchanted shield, but the fire is too strong, and it slowly starts to burn and melt the shield.

You roll under one stream of fire and leap over the other, reaching Fianna as her shield catches on fire, nearly disintegrating. Now, the dragon focuses all of his heads on the two of you, unleashing an enormous fan of flames. With no time to evade, you cast a large, dome-shaped shield made out of the water over Fianna and you, protecting you from the flames. The ground around your burns, and you can't see anything from the smoke and steam that fills the air.

You wave your hands and cast a minor wind spell to clear the smoke. As the air clears, you can't believe what you are seeing. Fianna, realizing that the dragon can't see either, took her chance and managed to leap onto the creature's head. Angerly roaring, the dragon tries to bite and swallow her, but you distract it by shooting lightning bolts at him. Fianna manages to swing into his mouth and stab him through the skull with her enchanted sword, making the creature shriek in agony and rage. To your surprise, the first head goes down, bleeding heavily.

You lose sight of Fianna as the dragon's left head collapses. The other two heads shrike and look at the dead one, swaying and jerking in anger. You decide to use the chaos to strike and focus nearly all your energy on a single spell - Drakenwarth. You aim your fingers at the neck of the right head, and an enormous bolt of energy bursts out of your two extended fingers. The spell hits the dragon square in the neck, exploding and nearly decapitating the beast as a stream of blood gushes from the wound. With that, the second head goes crashing down.

The dragon roars so loudly that you fall to the ground in front of him. Voldokor slithers towards you, dragging his two lifeless heads behind him. His eyes glow as he is ready to breathe fire onto you, and then - he speaks. Voldokor:"You foolish, mortal worm! I know that spell, and I know that it can be used only once! The first time, it kills the dragon, the second time, it kills the caster! Too bad for you that I am not one dragon, but three! Now, prepare to perish, mortal filth!" Your mana is nearly depleted, and so you quickly roll to the side and hunker down behind Fianna's chard shield as Voldokor unleashes a fury of flames onto you. The shield barely protects you long enough to withstand the attack, and then turns to ash.

You rise to your feet, and Voldokor looks at you with burning hatred and anger, ready to attack again. V:"Defiant for a mortal! But not for long! Die!" Y;"I am save the one...that I love!" You summon the last ounce of your power, igniting your right hand into a burning blaze of fire magic, charging every fire spell that you know - all at once.

You raise your left hand and fill it with ice magic, summoning every ice spell that you know, purely through the power of your will. You remember what your teachers told you at the academy - never to combine fire and ice spells into one unless you want to unleash The Final Havoc - an uncontrollable explosion of pure magical energy.

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