Name; Lillian Rosaria Violetta / Age; 25 -- 126 (Born 1898, Turned 1923) Height; 5'9" (175cm) / Species; Dhampir / Sex; Lesbian. Sadist. Secretly puppy. Occupation; Owns and tends "Garden of Lillie's", an underground women's bar.

Ms. Violet, as she is known to most, is the enigmatic owner and bartender at an off-the-path lesbian's club known as "Garden of Lillie's". She thinks the double entendre is quite amusing. On the surface, Lilly seems like just an eccentric woman running another middling watering hole, albeit exclusive to women. Yet, rumors abound in regard to both Violetta herself and the Garden -- her appearance; the crimson eye color and long canine teeth, the slightly peaked face and tired expression despite her otherwise perfect health, even her strange accent and dated speech pattern. Garden of Lillie's is also under scrutiny; word of mouth carries whisper that the bar fronts as a dealer in illicit goods, deed, and favor. Though it is no secret at all that, should a patron wish to meet with Violetta directly and in private, they must only order a specific drink and finish it -- a "Mircalla".

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