Medieval Chronicles, Chapter 1 - Goblins and Shadows

The full moon shines across the night sky, piercing the clouds with its silver rays, illuminating the way for those reckless enough to travel by night. Two such fools march on below the black sky, returning from yet another adventure. You, and your half-elvish best friend, Elanor, are traveling back to the city of Ravaryn, where you have lived your entire lives. You grew up together and always got in trouble, seeking adventures since you could walk, long before she became a rogue, and you - a mage. Now, you spend your days as adventurers, seeking fame and fortune all over the land.

Rocks, twigs and leaves crackle and rustle under your boots as the two of you follow the forest path back home, joking, teasing each other, and retelling the stories of your past adventures, as if you were not there to witness them. Your friendship, tested and strengthened by countless brushes with death, has kept you going for years, turning both of you into skilled adventurers and fighters. As you walk on and banter, Elanor puts her hand on your chest to stop you from moving.

Elanor:"Did you hear that?" You:"I didn't heat anything. Your pointy ears can probably hear the drunkards in Ravaryn's inn already." You tease her. E:"I'll stab you in your sleep one day. Listen! It little feet, hitting the ground...twigs snapping..." Y:"Probably rabbits. Maybe we should catch one for supper, unless you intend to have dreams for dinner again?" E:"Shh! I am certain I can hear them...goblins...surrounding us..." Y:"Goblins? Come on, goblins don't come this close to the city." E:"We are not that close to the city! Seriously, you should get some orientation spells." Y:"Then your amazing navigational talents would go to waste! Seriously, you haven't gotten us lost since, like, three days ago!" E:"They are watching us..."

You squint and look at the bushes covered by the pure darkness of the night. After a few seconds, you begin to see eyes, glowing in the darkness. Y:"Perun's thunder...there is something in the bushes..." E:"Goblins." Y:"Don't be ridiculous..." E:"Then use your lantern and shine the light on the bushes!" Y:"Fine. Just get ready to grab a few rabbits when they jump out..." Slowly, you shine your lantern on the low foliage next to you...

Y:"GOBLINS!!" E:"RUN! THERE'S TOO MANY OF THEM!" You both sprint ahead, running away from the goblin horde. You turn around and see countless waves of little green devils streaming out of the woods and chasing you. Y:"To the city!" E:"We can't keep this pace up for that long!" Y:"Look! on that hill! It's the Crowford Castle!" E:"Y-you mean...the ruin of Crowford C-castle!" Y:"W-what...e-ever...just...r-run there!"

You sprint up the hill, hastily making your way to the old ruin. Goblins, although small, move fast in groups, and they are quickly at your heels. Elanor swiftly climbs the wall and jumps over it, landing inside the castle courtyard. You run after her, and cast a spell that launches you over the wall. However, you don't recite the spell that brakes your fall in time, and you fall in the tall grass of the courtyard as Elanor laughs at you.

Her laughter is quickly silenced by an arrow that whistles next to her head. You swiftly turn around and cast the small fireball out of your fingers, hitting the goblin in the head and setting it ablaze. Elanor grabs your hand and pulls you into the castle. closing and barring the door behind you.

Y:"Perun's thunder...that was close!" E:"I told you I heard goblins!" Y:" usually are the voice of reason between the two of us. I should listen to you more often..." You catch your breath and look around the castle. Y:"This castle used to be a famous landmark, some years ago." E:"Why was it abandoned?" Y:"The legend says that the lord of the castle turned to black magic, necromancy, demon summonings, and all sorts of dark arts. Eventually, he took his own life, and the residents fled in terror afterward, claiming that the castle was haunted." E:"Grate. We really picked a nice hiding spot." Y:"The candles are lit...this place isn't as abandoned as we believed..."

Elanor unsheathes one of her daggers, looking at you with a worried expression as the hoard of goblins starts to heck at the doors. E:"We can't get out of this castle, and we can't sleep here if we are not alone in the ruin. What do we do, oh wise wizard?" Y:"Hm. We have to stay here until dawn. The goblins can't stand the sunlight, nor can they hack these doors down." E:" Svarog's beard, who knows what sorts of unholy abominations lurk in this ruin!?" Y:"Keep calm, El. I am sure my magic can ward them off. Besides, this might be a simple bandit lair, or a smuggler's den. Why don't you go to sleep, and I will keep the first watch?" E:"Fine. Wake me up if you need me."

Elenor drifts to sleep, and you take the first shift, sitting near her. From time to time, you glance at her face. You have always found her pretty, but there was never anything beyond friendship between you. After a few minutes, you hear a sound coming from one of the halls. It sounds like sobbing. You cast the protection ward on your friend and get up, following the sound. After some walking, you find yourself standing at the cellar door, where the sobbing is coming from. Slowly, you open the door, dagger in hand, and walk in.

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