Level 48 seems to be an oil rig in the middle of a vast ocean that stretches on for as far as you can see. While the level isn't infinite, it seems to be around 1.5m square meters, including the top deck, and the down below rooms that fill up the rig, the insides seeming to be bigger then they look on the outside, leaving the level believed to be 4d, as the insides shouldn't be as big as they are. The Rig contains standard oil rig materials and rooms, the top deck having multiple metal walk ways, heavy machinery, a control room, and even a landing pad. The bottom deck is more confusing, the hallways stretching and turning, the insides full of all kinds of pipes that are in every hall and room, electronic control centers, and valves. Rooms are often found, ranging from supply rooms, to bunks, kitchens, lower deck outlooks over the sea, to rooms that are nothing but pipes that bend and turn leading to nowhere.

At first sight the level doesn't seem directly harmful or threatening to survivors, although its layout can be confusing and easy to get lost in. The level is known for its emptiness, some times sought out by survivors for the safe view of the ocean and sky, and its relative safety as long as your above deck. Top deck by no means is perfect, it is known to occasionally storm, the winds blowing strong enough to slide people off of there feet, and waves even rarely breaking over the side of the metal bars, almost as if the sea was scratching to get at survivors. Below deck is considered safer during a storm, but it is advised to stay quite, and limit time down here.

The only known entity on this level seems to be a slick black oil based entity, making the pipes in the lower deck its home, slithering threw the pipes listening for people. It seems to be almost stiff, like it was made out of semi liquid rubber, the oil noticeably able to change and control its form, from able to stand up right and run like a human, to melted down to slither through pipes, this entity is often one considered to be one of the scariest and most threatening from its fluid shape, and how much of an apex hunter it can be, having eyes and ears everywhere. In human form the entity is known to take the form of a naked, toned, slim male, its body almost to slim, although it does not appear to lack speed or strength from its fragile form. The entity has been noted to be able to break through small pipes, bend thicker pipes, and able to slip through the complex pipe rooms with minimum reduction in speed, its body able to shift to avoid pipes, or flexible enough to doge them entirely.

The living quarters are considered the safest area below deck, sense they are often times not directly connected to any pipes, are smaller spaces, and you can see everything inside of them, leaving them easy to declare safe or not. While these are away from the oils hunting grounds, it has also been known to occasionally prowl the hallways of living quarters to cover its blind spots. The Living Quarters usually consist of a few small connecting hallways, multiple found around the rig, the walls lined with doors to the small rooms. Each room ranges from anywhere of 5X5 feet, upwards of 12X18 feet, but always consist of a bunk bed unit, some type of desk or shelf, and one chair of varying type. Often times if space permits, a closet, plants, an entire computer and monitor, and even a small in room shower can some times be found, along with other decorations and small varietys.

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