Some time passes since your first mission and few other missions that Lord Vader has sent you on. Mostly diplomacy and enforcement tasks. Now, you spend your days aboard an Imperial Star Destroyer that protects the Death Star until it becomes operational.

You enter a meditation chamber and happen upon your old padawan there. You:"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you." Spectra:"It's all right. I have sensed a Jedi.' Y:"A Jedi? Where?" S:"Not far. I see... the darkness of space...a's in Utros sector." Y:"Utros...that is not far from here." S:"Yes. I will report it to Lord Vader immediately."

In just a few minutes, you are being summoned to a hangar bay. Is this it? Your first real mission? You arrive at the hangar bay and see Darth Vader, standing in front of your ship. You get down on one knee and bow your head.

V:"Inquisitor Xenos. I am sending you and Inquisitor Spectra on a mission. Locate the Jedi and bring them to me. I want then alive." Y:"Yes, my Lord. It will be done."

You and Spectra board your ship, and she searches for the Jedi through the Force. After a few minutes, she gives you the rough location, and you set the coordinates to jump into hyperspace.

You emerge from hyperspace and see an old ship drifting in the distance. Y:"A very old model. Republic. Is this it?" S:"Yes. I Can sense it." Y:"Hmm. Me too. A presence." S:"We should dock."

You get closer to the ship and dock at one of the airlocks. Spectra slices the door module, and you enter the unknown ship.

The ship is chilly, and there is no crew or droids aboard it. Carefully, you search the ship, room by room. S:"Keep your guard up. The Jedi is close." Y:"We will take care of them."

Spectra turns quickly and activates her lightsaber, assuming the fighting position. Instinctively, you do the same.

A female Jedi jumps from the air vent, and spectra immediately dashes at her. Y:"Spectra, wait!" You quickly dash after her.

A few blows are exchanged between the Jedi and Spectra, and she manages to force push her into the wall, but the Jedi recovers quickly.

S:"She is skilled!" Y:"Let me take care of h..." Before you finish, Spectra swings at the Jedi again.

The Jedi manages to block her every strike and advance, and the ship corridor is too narrow for you to effectively help Spectra.

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