Kitty’s house appears to be a moderately sized home with pink theming throughout the interior. There appears to be no physical door leading to an outdoor area and windows within the level simply are replaced with artwork depicting what one would typically see outdoors, except with a notably "cute" theming to it. The house is decorated with pink walls and decorations all over it of real life characters, such as Hello Kitty, and other “cute” pink characters.

The only know way to get to this level is to be pulled here directly by Kitty as you are traveling to another level, arriving here, instead of your intended destination. The current theory as to why Kitty does this is either because 1, the wonderer has an item on them that Kitty considerers cute and wants, or 2, Kitty finds the wondered cute themselves. The only known way of escape from this level is for the wonderer to either hand the item over to Kitty, or to enter the bedroom for [Data Redacted]. After which, if either one of the conditions are met, Kitty will drop the wonderer off on a safe level.

The level seems to be void of life, besides for Kitty, and the occasional note left behind from previous wonderer (such as the one above). “Kitty” is the only entity on this level, being a 7 foot tall, Matt black slender entity, completely void of any features, besides a long black tongue. Kitty still seems to have all of the normal senses a person does, despite the apparent lack of eyes or ears.  Kitty hasn’t been reported of being directly  hostile, but can often frighten wonderers with his fast and fluid movements.  This is also one of the only levels with both working electricity, and plumbing. 

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