Lifelike Autonomously Transformable Intelligent Aerial System. L.A.T.I.A.S.

L.A.T.I.A.S. Test Subject #27B. Pre-procedure.

Name: Lillith Ives Age: 23 Gender: Female Occupation: [REDACTED]

Subject was chosen for high marks in athletic and mental tests as well as a figure compatible with the machinery available. Early compatibility tests with the Synthetic Bonding Material show a .973 bonding ratio. With further testing and training, this ratio was increased to .9996, making the subject the best suited amongst the batch to proceed.

Mechanical form procedure beginning.

Subject was informed of the experiment's purpose, procedures, expectations, and risks prior to commencement. Subject agreed to all terms and conditions with the stipulation that the Institute provide for her family. This stipulation was accepted and testing commenced as planned. Family is to receive payments each month until all current immediate family members are deceased.

Procedure conclusion - Mechanical Form Successfully achieved.

The L.A.T.I.A.S. Experiment - Purpose: To combine human awareness, emotion, and cognition with technological intelligence and computation, mechanical strength, durability, and adaptability, and Pokemon ability and talent. The applications of these technologies can extend into multiple markets from military to medicine, hence L.A.T.I.A.S is intended to embody numerous technologies for combat, civil service, and social interaction. Latias was chosen as a base for this experiment due to its friendliness to humans, positive connotations with people, and impressive abilities regarding communication, perception, and flight. These attributes made its cognition the optimal choice for this first of its kind experiment.

Procedure: The Synthetic Bonding Material (SBM) creates an interface for the human body and mechanical body to mesh seamlessly, the latter becoming an extension of the former. For all intents, this makes the mechanical parts of the body feel just as natural as the subject's natural body. Extremities are painlessly removed and replaced with mechanical variants designed to be stronger, highly adaptable, repairable, transformable, and interchangeable. The SBM's inbuilt nanomachines will naturalize the human body to these limbs instantly while also connecting the human brain to the computerized system built into all aspects of the L.A.T.I.A.S. system. For further information, consult Addendums B, Systems Interlinking, and C, Systems Features.

Expectations: The harmonious unification of all elements in a highly intelligent, adaptable, and durable whole. This will result in the first human, computer, Pokemon hybrid. The resulting subject shall feature three forms upon successful conclusion of experiment and have full control over all three. Mechanical form: The most base form, other forms build off of this. The new default state for the subject. This form has access to most abilities of the L.A.T.I.A.S. System, making it best suited a wide range of tasks. Enhancements are available for this form by swapping or adding parts. modularity and standardized parts have been used to make this as easy and accessible as possible. Maintenance is also recommended to be undertaken in this form for minimal obstruction and discomfort. This form bears a transformation to a high speed flight mode, pictured below. This form lacks many of the abilities of a Pokemon aside from communication, energy, and intelligence. Human form: Using the SBM, the body is melded into a form resembling her previous self, allowing her to return to ordinary and blend in with ordinary people. Features ability enhancements due to underlying mechanical form but remains restrictive in terms of capabilities, adaptability, modifiability, and reparability. Best suited for daily life. This form loses access to flight mode. The subject must first revert to mechanical form before transforming to flight mode. Latias form: Another form using the SBM to meld the body into a new shape, creating form resembling a cross between a Latias and a human. This form bears many of the traits of a Pokemon and can interact with both human and Pokemon equally. This form also has access to the special traits and moves of a Latias, making it suitable for a range of tasks neither mechanical nor human form could handle. This form requires the most testing to find out how it affects the subject as well as how it is perceived by others.

Due to all forms making use of the highly adaptable SBM, body modifications are possible within a certain degree. The overall form is software limited to the main three, a safety measure enacted by the Institute to limit the scope of testing in early phases. Current form and its shape/visual details are at the discretion of the subject.

All forms have access to the super computer and nanomachines inbuilt into the L.A.T.I.A.S. System, giving the subject access to an immense database and imperceptibly fast computation ability. Accessing this ability, however, overrides many normal cognitive functions, meaning the subject must willingly tap into the system when necessary rather than consistently being connected to it. As such, normal human reflexes and intelligence are present until the system is accessed.

Risks: For all risks associated with experiment, please consult Addendum A and its sub-chapter containing a list of understood and perceived risks as well as the necessary contracts as signed by the subject.

Mechanical form - Flight Mode

Mechanical form - Flight Mode is a high speed, highly maneuverable form bearing strong resemblance to a jet fighter. Using SBM and mechanical joints, a remarkably light, sturdy, and well equipped jet can reach speeds in excess of Mach 12 while displaying impressive agility at such speeds. Due to the nature of the SBM material heat is dissipated effectively at such speeds, protecting the user. However, pushing the system at this speed should be cautioned as testing has been limited.

Subspace flight is theoretically possible but remains untested for now.

Behind are two manned prototypes for an aircraft based carrier base and a Latios inspired manned jet fighter.

Many natural functions are modified by the L.A.T.I.A.S System, becoming augmented, enhanced, or abridged. Procreation was considered in the formation of this system as this is an important part of human life. The subject as such, has access to numerous augmentations to assist in this act, such as the implement pictured above. Use is up to the subject's discretion. Contraception is considered unnecessary as the ability to create synthetic, non-fertilizing or natural, fertilizing sperm can be decided by the subject. The same is concept is applicable for the subject's egg.

Latias Form

Along with mechanical form, this form is one of two that bears the ability to fly. While unable to reach the immense speeds of mechanical form's flight mode, Latias form is still capable of flying faster than most jets while boasting agility impossible for ordinary aircraft. In addition, this form boasts the full moveset of Latias and the ability to communicate as a Pokemon and live amongst them harmoniously. This is due to studies done on the Pokemon Latias, allowing its neural patterns to be analyzed and copied perfectly along with its genetic code, both of which were implanted into the L.A.T.I.A.S. System. This creates a relationship between the subject and Latias that is not unlike sisters.

This concludes the L.A.T.I.A.S. System Experiment overview. Keep all information secure and classified. If issues arise, report to a higher up immediately.

When you have finished reading this material, indicate your preferred form for research purposes.

  • The Bridge Institute
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