It is a beautiful, tranquil, and peaceful early autumn day. The forest echoes with light wind and the song of the birds. The only thing that is disturbing the perfect peace and calm of the woods is the sound of your angry, fast footsteps, thumping and rustling the leaves and breaking the twigs as you stomp around. Elanor, trying to keep up with your hastened pace, breaths heavily.

Elanor:"In Svarog's name, will you slow down? We will not find a place of power if we walk quicker, surely you are aware of that!" You:"But we have to find it! It is the only way!" E:"Yes, yes, I know. We will find it. There are many places of power in the world, surely we will happen on one soon!" Y:"H-happen on one!? They stole my magic! We HAVE to find a place of power, so my powers can be restored before...before it is too late! Before I stop being a mage, Elanor! Do you understand what is at stake! If magic doesn't flow through me for too powers will fade, forever!" E:"I know, I know, hey, sorry...I am with you, don't worry...we will find it, I am sure, alright? We will find it, I promise you."

You keep pacing quickly through the forest as the sun sinks to the horizon. E:"How did they even steal your magic?" Y:"Ugh...I'm not sure. It was that ritual, the girl...the dancing around the fire...I don't know. I don't think it was intentional, she seemed innocent." E:"I wouldn't say she was that innocent..." Y:"Very funny. I think my power was siphoned to the shaman...or to Leida...or something. They didn't even know I was a mage, I don't think they wanted to do it. I think that the magic of their ritual bond with mine and...something happened. Anyways...this way, I can feel it!" E:"How can you feel it, you got no magic? And it will be dark soon. Hey, Viper...V-Viper!?" Y:"This way, onward!"

The darkness falls over the forest as the sun disappears over the tree tops, with a young moon replacing it. You stumble quickly through the woods, nearly falling over the roots, but then, you see something odd. A blue wisp, happily floating and dancing in front of you. E:"What in Perun's name is that?" Y:"A wisp! It is a gentle and magical creature. They live only close to places of immense magical power. They say that only angels are more pure and good than the wisps." E:"Well, I think we should follow it, then. Looks like you were right, we are close."

You follow the wisp, and more of them show up, dancing through the darkness of the woods, leading you safely through the trees, clearly showing you the way to somewhere or something. Enchanted by their beauty, you follow them, and the forest around you becomes more beautiful and magical as you advance.

Soon, you happen upon a clearing, deep inside the forest. Trees, plants, mushrooms - everything looks otherworldly and magical. E:"Wow...this is it...a place of power!" Y:" is. We found it!" E:"I think I should leave you here for a bit. I suppose you have to meditate to draw power from it, no?" Y:"I...guess. Well, I'll try that first. Thank you, Elanor." Elanor nods and follows the wisps out of the clearing, leaving you alone to focus.

You look around and are immediately filled with a sense of peace, calm, and beauty of this place. You realize you don't recognize a single plant, it has all been changed by deep magic. Slowly, you walk to the center of the clearing and sit down to meditate. Some time passes as you drift into a trance. A gentle, female voice startles you and brings you out of your meditation.

Fairy:"I said, what are you doing here, human? Oh, sorry, have I startled you?" A tiny fairy sits on a tee branch over you. Y:"Y-yes...a bit. I, um...I am a mage who has lost his powers. I know that, in order to restore them, I have to visit a place of power. I know this is it, but I know not what to do to get my powers back." F:"You have lost your powers? Have you misplaced them? Forgot where you put them last?" Y:"No, no lady Fairy...they have been...stripped from me, somehow...I suppose." F:"Lady Fairy? That's so polite of you, human! My name is Lalainnoayre, but you can call me...Lala. And what do they call you, friend?" Y:"Um...they call me Viper. Because of my long, green cloak, that is! I have no other snake-like characteristics, I assure you." L:"Are snakes so bad?" Y:"They are in the stories..."

F:"Ha! You are funny, Viper, I like you. In fact, I like you so much that I will tell you how to restore your magical powers. I can sense that you will use them for good, no?" Y:"Thank you, yes, yes I will! Please, tell me, where to go, what to do!?" Lala:"Oh, you don't have to go anywhere. Do you know how sleeping with someone restores your mana? Well, sleeping with a purely magical being will not only restore your mana...but your powers too." Y:"Oh...and where will I find that being?" L:"Oh you silly mortal!. It's me! You can restore your powers by sleeping with me! What do you say?" Y:"Um...y-yes, yes! are tiny..."

She looks at you, smiles, and snaps her fingers. In front of your very eyes, she grows to a size of a normal woman. Short and petite, the perfect size for you. L:"There, that should be good. Now, will I be the only one that did some growing, or do you have something to grow as well...Viper?" She moves closer to you and gently puts her hand on your crotch, rubbing it and kissing you softly on the lips. They are tender and delicious, and you are filled with warmth and excitement. (Rub your cock over your cloaths until you are rock hard)

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