Lufu: I knew you'd get it right! Bonus points for being clutch on the last question!

(15 points)

Lufu: You might be wondering why I'm wearing a sea captain's hat. I could tell you but I think it'd be more effective to show you!

(25 medium strokes)

Lufu: I've been wanting to show you this bikini all day! Give me one last edge before we count your points! Bonus if you edge holding your breath!

Easy: Edge (0 points) Hard: Edge Holding your breath (5 points)

Lufu: Hold the edge 10 more seconds for my fat ass!

Lufu: Looks like our journey's come to an end! Tell me how many points you have so I can give you what you deserve!

Less than 0 points: 0-50 points: 51+ points:

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