Lufu: Don't let this smile deceive you! Looking at my shirt you know you got it wrong! I'm starting to question if you're as much of a fan as you claim to be!

(-15 points)

Lufu: Slap your balls hard and fast for 1 minute!

Lufu: I bet your balls are hurting now! How many ball slaps did you do?

Less than 50 slaps: (-3 points) 50 or more slaps: (3 points)

Lufu: They're looking really sensitive now do they hurt?

You: Yes...

Lufu: Good! Let's keep going stroke and squeeze your balls hard!

Easy: 100 fast strokes no squeezing (5 points) Hard: 100 fast strokes squeezing (10 points)

Lufu: The faster you stroke the less your balls suffer!

Lufu: You know I think I'm getting bored of you slapping your balls

You: Thank god!

Lufu: shhhh! Oh I know what'll make you shut up! You can hold your breath while you stroke!

Easy: 30 slow strokes breathing (3 points) Hard: 30 slow strokes holding your breath (5 points)

Lufu: Let's take this to the next level. I wonder how many strokes you can do for my face while holding your breath. Stop when you either edge or run out of air. Don't disappoint me!

(stroke at your own pace for as long as you can holding your breath)

Lufu: So how many did you do?

Less than 150 Lufu: That's pathetic! (-10 points)

150 or more Lufu: You might not be the best fan but that was pretty hot! (10 points)

Lufu: Ok last question! What year was I born in?

1991: 1993:

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