[Mission Objective: Work with Lady Lunafreya to dispel the visions of madness placed before her.]

[Following one of the paths away from the camp, you find a giant white mansion. Wandering inside you notice in what a pristine condition it's in, almost like a palace in its grandeur. As you make your way through the myriad of halls, you turn a corner and stop in your tracks. Before you, is a totally naked, blonde haired woman. You approach cautiously.]

???: "This is a recorded holo-message by Lady Lunafreya. I apologise for my state of undress. A vile evil has swept through these halls and taken me prisoner. In order for anyone to reach my true form and help me escape, you will need to use your own sexual energy to dispel and disperse the visions of madness that roam these halls. I wish you luck stranger."

[The woman disappears and then reappears a moment later uttering the same message. Looks this Lady Lunafreya is one of the corrupted guardians of the rift that you were told about. Remembering how you rescued Yuna earlier from a similar fate, you begin to explore the mansions many doors and corridors. Hopefully my sealing enough visions of Lunafreya in distress, you can recover the oracle herself.]

Voice of Lunafreya: "The rift used its magic early on to burrow into my head. I thought I was going mad at first, all I could think of was cock for days on end. It turns out, I was going mad, just not the kind of mad I thought. The rift powers are insidious. One simple thought turns into a virus and before you know it, those visions come true."

[You look inside the room, not sure where the voice is coming from. You think to the holo-message, if Lunafreya's true form is locked behind these visions, could it be her speaking to you now? Guiding you? The vision before you, if the voice was telling the truth was one of the first signs of Lady Lunafreya's fall from grace. To the side of the vision were simply the words Day 1: The Onset.]

Planet Advisor: Stroke at the speed of the animation for 25 seconds

Planet Guardian: Stroke at the speed of the animation for 40 seconds

Planet Protector: Stroke at the speed of the animation for 55 seconds

Voice of Lunafreya: "It took the men before my mind itself also collapsed. As soon as Day 2, I was being chased around the mansions halls by the males. From guards to cooks, writers to stylists, every single man in this place was mind controlled. When I was caught, the outcome was not pleasant."

"Pinned and used against my will, I will never forget the moment my bodyguard, who has served me since I was little, forced me to choke on his cock before cumming all over my face. Little did I know that this was just the start."

"The rift empowers its victims so they can go again and again without rest. As soon as the first man pinned me down, I was not going anywhere. Even if it took hours for the rest to stumble upon me, the first would go and go again."

Planet Advisor: Stroke at the speed of the animation for 40 seconds

Planet Guardian: Stroke at the speed of the animation for 55 seconds

Planet Protector: Stroke at the speed of the animation for 70 seconds

Voice of Lunafreya: "Even before the visions began, I was in a frenzy and knew something wasn't right. For around a week leading up to day 1 and the onset, I found myself awake for every hour of the day. Never sleeping, unusually horny and constantly masterbating."

"I've never felt anything quite like it. I'd finger myself and fuck myself over and over but I was simply never satisfied. Even when I did manage to get some restless sleep, my body never felt fulfilled. If only I had sought help sooner rather than lock myself down in this quarantine. Because of my inaction, this whole mansion is under their spell."

Planet Advisor: Stroke at the speed of the animation for 15 seconds

Planet Guardian: Stroke at the speed of the animation for 30 seconds

Planet Protector: Stroke at the speed of the animation for 45 seconds

Voice of Lunafreya: "I can never explain how truly scared I was in those first few days. Little did I know how afraid I would truly end up. If it wasn't for my blessing as an oracle, I'd be as lost as the others. I've managed to leave some holo-messages around the mansion for anyone that stumbles upon them. My only hope now is someone fights through these visions and reaches the chamber I have hidden myself in."

"I became free use within days of the onset. I gave up trying to run and hide. I went about my business, trying to find a cure for this madness, knowing full well if one of the men saw me, I'd be subjected to minutes, hours or days of non-stop fucking. But I had no choice, if I was to find a cure, I had to act."

Planet Advisor: Stroke at the speed of the animation for 15 seconds

Planet Guardian: Stroke at the speed of the animation for 25 seconds

Planet Protector: Stroke at the speed of the animation for 35 seconds

Voice of Lunafreya; "On Day 6, I tried something new. I barricaded myself in my personal chambers with a magic ward. I did not know at the time if it would hold but it allowed me some precious sleep time. The rift menace are very powerful, and it didn't take them long to start wearing down the wards potency."

"After a few blissful days of sleep and solitude, the first one broke in. The rift, unable to let me go, still pursuing me had worn down my wards enough to squeeze in more and more of their mindless slaves. I discovered this on Day 9 when I was awoken from my sleep by a cock being pushed into my pussy."

"From then on more and more of them broke through every night. By Day 12, I was back to being held in place and fucked, I had to try and think of another plan."

Planet Advisor: Stroke at the speed of the animation for 55 seconds

Planet Guardian: Stroke at the speed of the animation for 70 seconds

Planet Protector: Stroke at the speed of the animation for 90 seconds

Voice of Lunafreya: "I'm afraid to admit that by day 14, my mental barriers were breaking down. I was being fucked at least 4 times a day, if not more and I was exhausted. My resistance started to falter as the corruption began to properly set in. When the first genuine moan of pleasure left my lips, I swear I could almost feel the rift itself laughing at me."

"I had put up a good fight but this...relentless entity, this demon thing from another dimension had limitless resources and willpower. If I wasn't somewhat protected as an oracle, I'm sure I would have fallen immediately but even we have our limits. I knew I was running out of time and options."

Planet Advisor: Stroke at the speed of the animation for 20 seconds

Planet Guardian: Stroke at the speed of the animation for 35 seconds

Planet Protector: Stroke at the speed of the animation for 55 seconds

Voice of Lunafreya: "Day 27 was the first time I didn't even resist it. My mind was barely hanging on by a thread and I couldn't take the pleasure anymore. I left my most recent hiding spot to find one of the men lying in wait for me. This time instead of resisting and being thrown around like a ragdoll, I acted first."

"I approached him cautiously and timidly, feeling humiliated, knowing the rift would be watching me finally cave in and submit. I backed down on to his dick and for the first time since the onset began, I did the fucking myself. I'll always remember how I hung my head in shame knowing that for me at least it was finally over."

Planet Advisor: Stroke at the speed of the animation for 45 seconds

Planet Guardian: Stroke at the speed of the animation for 60 seconds

Planet Protector: Stroke at the speed of the animation for 75 seconds

Voice of Lunafreya: "Day 32 and I was roaming the halls actively seeking out cock. I began to regret leaving those holo-messages everywhere. Surely by the time anyone finds me I will be beyond redemption? I leave these visions behind in the hopes they will lead someone to where I am hiding. But what state I'll be in when someone finds me I do not know."

"It's already becoming difficult to formulate words and sentences. My mind is losing itself to the pure lust of the rift contagion. Even now I am hungry for more, I think I need to go and seek out some cock."

Planet Advisor: Stroke at the speed of the animation for 30 seconds

Planet Guardian: Stroke at the speed of the animation for 45 seconds

Planet Protector: Stroke at the speed of the animation for 65 seconds

Voice of Lunafreya: "Cock. I need. More. Cock."

[To the right of this memory are the words Day 44: End of the line. You must be nearly at Lunafreya's hiding place, having gone through so many memories left behind.]

Planet Advisor: Stroke at the speed of the animation for 60 seconds

Planet Guardian: Stroke at the speed of the animation for 80 seconds

Planet Protector: Stroke at the speed of the animation for 100 seconds

[As the vision fades, you see a bright red door in front of you. This MUST be it! You grab the handle and open it wide, walking inside to find...]

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