Final Fantasy: Time Twister - Tier 7 - Vault of Lust

Aerith: "This is the Vault of Lust. It's where the rift energies store their biggest prizes. Girls from all over the cosmos that the rift deems as its grandest captures. My friend, Tifa Lockhart, is one of them. She's been gone for longer than I can remember now. I have no idea if we'll be able to save her, or what state she will even be in. But we have to try. I can't do this without her. Just like I can't do it without you."

Aerith: "Our first mission is to locate her and return her here. The vault is massive, there's no way we will find her through looking alone. Luckily, before I was corrupted entirely by the rift, I was able to lock on to a strong signal. The good news is, it's definitely Tifa, there's only one cell at that level."

[Aerith winces]

Aerith: "The bad news is, she's on one of the lowest floors in the vault. She must be very dear to the rift. You saw what I was like after only a few hours of capture. After 10 years of being their plaything, Tifa will be completely broken. Only proceed when you are absolutely sure you're ready, who knows what other girls we will encounter there. No matter how distracting, keep your mind focused on our goal - Rescue Tifa."

Enter Vault of Lust: Part 1 - Return with Tifa Lockhart:

[The rest of your team wait for you, Aerith and Tifa at the entrance to the vault. Hours pass over the time they were expecting you back and still nothing. Trapped in the depths of the vault, with Aerith lost to the heavy sexual energy, you decide to take on corrupted Tifa on your own. But as the first girl the rift corrupted, she may be too powerful even for you.]

Enter Vault of Lust: Part 2 - Defeat Corrupted Tifa:

Lightning: "There's not much we can do for Aerith right now, she is lost to us. However, we think we've found a way to cleanse Tifa and using her to save us all. The amount of power coming from Tifa is off the charts. If you can cleanse her and use that power to seal the heart of the rift, we just might have saved the universe, no pressure!"

Lunafreya: "She will not go down easy. We have given you some of our white magic to help in your efforts to bring her down for good this time. Good luck hero, this is it!"

Enter Vault of Lust: Part 3 - Cleanse Tifa:

[As you return from the vault depths with Tifa, Lunafreya and Lightning gather around her to offer support and comfort.]

Lunafreya: "We know how to end this. Once and for all. Follow me to the heart of the rift and end this scourge for good."

Warp to the Heart of the Rift:

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