Final Fantasy: Time Twister - Tier 6 - Rift Planet Core

[You emerge out of the chaotic portal with your (much smaller) party. All you can sense around you is fire, rage and all-powerful lust. This is the core of the rift world. You can't even think of Aerith existing in a place like this. Yuffie waves you over to a small cave nestled in the rocks.]

[This is it. You've reached the endgame chapters of the JOIP. Planet Protector difficulty is now unlocked for the start of your next run. Good luck!]

[Yuffie points to a swirling red portal at the back of the cave.]

Yuffie: "She went this way. I hope you're ready for this. Any challenges you have faced previously will pale in comparison to this. No-one in history has dared to venture this far into the rift's territory and reclaim one of their own."

Lunafreya: "We have to find Aerith before we can help her. Enter the portal here and only return when you have her with you. We will proceed from there."

Enter Planet Core Rift Part 1 - Find Aerith:

[You emerge back out of the red portal, Aerith in front of you, still taunting and chiding you on. The other girls look around for Yuffie but there is no time to explain. You need to cleanse Aerith NOW.]

Lunafreya: "She's ravenous. It's an effect of being on this planet for so long. Her corruption is far beyond anything I have the skill to heal. But there is one way."

Lightning: "We can draw the corruption out of her and imprison it. You will need to enter the prison we place it in and battle it in order to save your friend. When you have defeated her corrupted soul, we can begin the final stage of saving her."

Enter Planet Core Rift: Part 2 - Defeat Corrupted Aerith: -

[Defeating Corrupted Aerith sends Aerith into a frenzy, she appears to be reduced down to the same frenzied mess your previous party members were. As she arches her back and waggles her naked ass around.]

Lightning "This is it! We just need a bit more time with her and we can save her. With her corrupted soul vanquished, all that remains is to take her back through the portal and seal the rift as you would normally. Use her in the same manner as you did your previous heroines and the rift should release her from its grasp."

(Requires Planet Core Rifts Part 1 and 2 cleared to enter.)

Enter Planet Core Rift: Part 3 - Save Aerith:

[Aerith shakes and trembles as you emerge victorious back in the planet core cave. Her mind and body freed, she runs up to you, and hugs you tightly, not wanting to let go or back down.]

Aerith: "I don't know how I can ever repay you. I thought that was me damned for the rest of my life. All that filled my head were thoughts of serving cock and being bred by the rift."

[Aerith wipes tears from her eyes and looks up at you again.]

Aerith: "I need your help one more time though. Before we can work on stopping the rift for good, there is one more heroine we need to save. She is trapped in the darkest reaches of this world, a place even the rift slaves dare to tread - The Vault of Lust. Frankly, whatever shape she's in, she may be too far gone. But we have to try, will you help me?"

Warp to Tier 7 - The Vault of Lust:

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