Welcome! This is the main hub for all of my backrooms themed scenes, all gathered here, inside another backrooms level! While this isn't the cannon "Hub", I will be using it as mine. This floor is simply called The End, a fake exit to the backrooms, a medium sized library full of mostly empty shelfs and a main counter in the middle with some old computers. Any books you do happen to find on a shelf here, when read, will transport you to said level the book is about, leaving you stuck there until you find that level's exit. Down below are all of the levels. Feel free to pick which ever one you like the most, and don't be afraid to ask any questions! (The Imgur attached to each level will go into much greater detail, and have more pictures including creature references)

Level 388, also known as Fun Its theme is a never-ending party or celebration, featuring vibrant colors, bizarre furniture, and party decorations like streamers and balloons. The atmosphere is chaotic and unsettling, with eerie sounds of distant laughter and echoing music adding to the disorienting and otherworldly nature of the level. There may be colorful and extravagant furnishings, such as oddly shaped chairs, plush couches with intricate designs, and tables adorned with vibrant tablecloths. This floors entity's are still humanoid in shape, but would never be considered human. Tall yellow beings with an odd built in smile on their face, standing in at a height of 6'2-7'1 feet, with a long blue tongue, something you wouldn’t want to be faced up against, let alone with the small group they tend to stay in


Level 52, also known as =( Level 52 within the Back rooms is a surreal and visually stimulating space with an infinite maze of interconnected school hallways and rooms. Its theme is a seemingly infinite high school, mainly made up of rooms and halls, with rarer sightings of libraries, cafeterias, bathrooms, and other school-related rooms. for most of the level, there are working overhead lights, although it isn't uncommon to see flickering or broken lights, sometimes for stretches at a time. Its entity is a humanoid wearing baggy clothes, such as sweatshirts/pants, and a signature blue frowny face mask, which gives the level its signature name. These are also some of the only entity’s in all of the backrooms that are armed, sporting anything from a crowbar to a knife, to even small firearms, making them especially dangerous sense they can often be seen in small to medium groups.


Level 974, Kitty’s house Kitty’s house appears to be a moderately sized home with pink theming throughout the interior. There appears to be no physical door leading to an outdoor area and windows within the level simply are replaced with artwork depicting what one would typically see outdoors, except with a notably "cute" theming to it. The house is decorated with pink walls and decorations all over it of real life characters, such as Hello Kitty, and other “cute” pink characters The only entity on this level is Kitty, a tall Matt black slender humanoid entity, with no distinguishing features, and only goal seems to be to collect things he thinks are cute. He has how ever been reported to have a [redacted] tongue, and a relatively big [redacted]. https://imgchest.com/p/qe4gqx5o7j2

Level 3008, or known as the Infinite Ikea The level is made up of an infinite number of rooms, the level is full of different areas of furniture, from office, to bedroom, to bathrooms. An occasional cafeteria or back storage room breaks up the repeating rooms. The level has two main entities: faceless Ikea employees who walk around and act as normal employees during the day, repeating the same few normal phases over and over. At night time, however, the employees turn hostile and will ask any survivor to leave the store. The other entities are survivors killed by the employees, once being killed, turning into a mutated employee, much different from their normal humanoid demeanor. They are the same entities from Level Fun; however, they are the hunters of Level 3008, taking a more active approach to hunt survivors. Luckily, these creatures are much rarer than the normal employees but can occasionally be seen in small packs of 2-4.


A Backrooms Encyclopedia Of Items A short and comprehensive guide to common items inside the backrooms


Level 48, also known as The Platform Level 48 seems to be a oil rig in the middle of a vast ocean that stretches on for as far as you can see. While the level isn't infinite, it seems to be around 250,000 square feet, including the top deck, and the down below rooms that fill up the rig, the insides seeming to be bigger then they look on the outside, leaving the level believed to be 4d, as the insides shouldn't be as big as they are. The Rig contains standard oil rig materials and rooms, the top deck having multiple metal walk ways, heavy machinery, a control room, and even a landing pad. The bottom deck is more confusing, the hallways stretching and turning, the insides full of all kinds of pipes that are in every hall and room, electronic control centers, and valves. Rooms are often found, ranging from supply rooms, to bunks, kitchens, lower deck outlooks over the sea, to rooms that are nothing but pipes that bend and turn leading to nowhere. The entity for this level seems to be a single oil, tar like monster that lives inside of the pipes below deck, and is known to hunt through out the insides of the rig. It's been noted to be able to fully solidify and move around in a humanoid form, although it prefers to stalk from the pipes.


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